Chapter 4 Rubbish Films and Slaps

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We recorded around two hours of splatoon with Turps and for a change Ross and Trott were waiting for us. I was going to go and get my stuff from the office but Ross had it in his hand and held it out for me. I looked at him and he smiled and I hesitantly took my stuff with Kim stood behind me. 'Right then ladies are you ready to go?' Trott asked locking up our office next door. Kim disappeared momentarily into her office and came back and walked straight up the corridor not waiting for us.

Kim walked with Ross the whole way home and I walked behind with Trott, he was telling me about how they had mixed up the stunt lads that was going out this weekend, made it a sort of musical version. I wasn't paying masses of attention to what he was saying just making sure I kept my distance from the two up front.

When we got in the house was silent and Katie's car wasn't on the drive and the dogs were asleep in the living room. I went upstairs to put my stuff away and when I came back down Katie was just coming in. 'Hey.' I said and she smiled at me, 'Everything alright?' I asked she nodded, 'Just a manic day.' She said before going through to the dining room, I walked into the living room and Trott was sat on the sofa looking through channels on the projector, I told him Katie was home and he stood up and went through to the kitchen. I carried on looking through channels and shortly after Trott came back in with Katie. 'Where are Ross and Kim?' Katie asked and I shrugged my shoulders. We were sat for a little while before Ross and Kim came in from the garden both looking happier than they did when we were at the office. Ross sat on the floor and Kim sat next to me I looked at her and she smiled.

We had pizza for tea and sat in the living room to eat and watched some random film on Netflix that Trott chose. The film finished around nine o'clock and I was curled up on the sofa and I think Trott was asleep. 'Fancy watching something not shit.' Ross suggested taking the remote from the coffee table and then looked through Netflix. I told them I was tired and went upstairs. I got changed and got into bed and scrolled though Twitter and Tumblr until I felt sleepy.

*** Friday

I was woken up by Ross shaking my arm, I looked at the clock on Smith's side and it said it was half two. I sat up holding the duvet up, 'What's up?' I asked him and he sat on the edge of the bed. He was still in his jogging bottoms which is what he wore to bed, 'are you and Kim alright?' I asked and he nodded. 'Put some trousers or something on.' I shuffled slightly 'What's going on?' I asked and he ruffled his hair and then looked at me. 'Smith is down stairs' He mumbled. It took a moment to sink in and I just stared at him for a second before literally jumping out of bed and grabbing some trousers. He stood up and walked over to the door once I was ready and I followed him down the stairs. There were people talking in the living room and all the lights were on. Ross stopped as we got to the living room door which was closed before opening it slowly.

We both walked, I was hidden behind Ross and when I stood to the side Smith was sat on the sofa. I think I was partially expecting him to look a mess, but he didn't look too bad. His beard was longer than he normally liked it to be and his hair was a little bit scruffier. We just stared at each other for a second before he stood up. I felt myself slightly smile and step forwards and Smith stepped too until we were within about a meter of each other. 'I would have called...' He didn't get a chance to finish, without thinking I slapped him across the face; it must have been hard because my hand stung after. His head jolted sideways was my hand made contact with his cold face and he held his head there before looking back at me. 'You just left.' I said with tears in my eyes, partially from the pain in my hand. 'I left a letter.' He tried to excuse, 'Oh yeah a fucking letter makes all the difference doesn't it. You didn't say where you were going, when you would be back or anything.' My words were broken up by the massive lump in my throat. 'I needed some space. My mum had just died.' He told me looking like he was about to cry too. 'I know and if you had told me that you wanted some space I can guarantee you we wouldn't be in this situation right now.' There was a long pause. 'I never meant to hurt you, I value more than anything in the world. I didn't want to come back in the state I was in. If I stayed I would have hurt you more than if I had left. You need someone that is strong and I couldn't do that.' He kind of whispered and mumbled. 'I love you Abbey. I have never stopped, you are the first one I think about in the morning and the last one I think about at night.' I looked at him for a minute with a single tear racing down my cheek. 'We can talk more in the morning.' I said before turning and leaving the room. I wanted to tell him I loved him back but he had just come back out of the blue and I needed to think about my options. I walked up stairs and when I looked behind Ross was coming up too.

I sat on the bed and Ross walked past my door but returned and stood in the door way. 'You alright?' He asked leaning on the door frame. 'I don't know. I missed him so much and now I love him and hate him all t the same time. I am confused.' I said crossing my legs. 'You will both work it out; whatever you chose to do everything will be alright.' He said leaving. 'Ross?' I called after him and he walked backwards and stood back where he was before. 'Can you stay with me, just for a little while?' I watched as he thought about it for a second, 'Sure for a little while.' He walked in the room pushing the door closed behind him. He sat on the edge of the bed and I sat next to him and rested me head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me and used his thumb to stroke my arm slowly. 'Thank you.' I mumbled. 'What are friends for?' He replied and I chuckled closing my eyes.

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