Hospital Rooms and Countdowns 60

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Our room that we had been given was pretty nice, we had a Tv, Smith got his own chair that reclined to a point where he was practically laying down. He didn't sleep in it mind, he slept in my bed with me, we both fell asleep, me in my gown an him with his and my hoodie over him since there wasn't enough duvet for both of us. We must have fallen asleep watching the old black and white film that we found late last night since the TV was still on when I woke up.

I looked around the room and then snuggled into Smith's chest absorbing his warmth as it was now pretty chilly due to the time of year. I listened as people walked past our room, there was no light other than the TV since it was dark outside still. I shuffled down further into bed, 'you know if you move much more I will fall off.' Smith mumbled in his deeper morning voice. 'Sorry.' I said shuffling back to sit up. 'Do you know what the time is?' he asked and I shrugged my shoulders before using the clock on the Tv. 'Half six I am being picked up in an hour.' I told him and he shuffled sitting up also, he starched and put and arm around me kissing the top of my head. 'You will be fine.' He said and I nodded, 'I know.' I put an arm over and watched the Tv shopping ads

'This wont do, I need to pee.' Smith said getting off of the bed and disappearing into the bathroom. I picked up my phone and realised I had a text, I thought it would be from Hannah or Lewis. I should have known it was Ross. 'Just wishing you good luck for today, we miss you at the house. See you later.' He wrote, I replied, 'Thanks missing you guys too, we will have to go out when I am better like I said. See you all soon x' I put my phone down as Smith walked back in still buckling his belt, 'I really don't like the smell of Hospital toilets, they are too clean.' He sat on the edge of the bed, 'It's almost time, they will be here soon do you want anything?' he asked and I shook my head and crossed my legs.

'It's strange.' I said after a momentary silence. 'What is honey?' Smith said turning off the Tv. 'The fact that yester day before coming here, I was pretty much fine but I wasn't. I felt fine, I wasn't ill and now I am about to be chopped open.' I looked at him and he just starred. 'Yesterday, I thought a was pretty normal, I had my whole life ahead of me I could do what I wanted within reason and I could plan my future but now it's all been smudged. Like someone has come in with a rubber and rubbed it all out.' Smith looked at the floor before looking back at me. 'You cant do anything but remain positive here. It could be far worse. And they said there is still a chance that you can have kids, even then there are ways that you can have kids if things don't work. Look at me.' He said and I glanced up at him a couple of times before he placed his hand on my cheek. 'We got this, we can do this.' He said and I smiled.

We were interrupted as Dr Walsh and a nurse in green scrubs came in. 'Sorry to interrupt.' He said and Smith went and sat on his chair. 'We are all ready for you in the OR. You two ready?' he asked us both and I nodded. 'Alright then let's get you down there.'

I was wheeled though the hospital Smith at my side at all times. I just looked forward I didn't look around, just forward. Dr Walsh was explaining the process to Smith as we power walked through the hospital until we reached some big looking doors. 'I am afraid you will have to wait here. I will update you as we go.' The nurse told Smith. 'Ok, you got this.' He said before landing a warm kiss on my slightly dry lips. Once he pulled away I was wheeled through the doors, I felt a single tear sprint down my cheek and drip on to my hand.

I ended up in a large operating theatre, they are pretty similar to the ones in films and TV shows but they look far more daunting in real life. I was told to lay flat and the nurse asked me a few final questions. 'Ok Abbey I want you to count backwards from 10.' She said placing a mask over my nose and mouth. 'ten..nine......eight.....sev.'


I felt instantly queasy when I came around, the light was intense and the belly was slightly sore. 'Abbey can you hear me?' I heard Dr Walsh say, 'Yep I can read you loud and clear.' I said as my eyes adjusted to the light slowly with every blink. 'The operation was a success, we managed to remove all of the lumps and bumps with minimal damage. You might feel sore for a few days a couple of weeks. The stitches will need to be taken out in due time but other than that you are good to go home around four this afternoon. There are a few things that we would like you to try to refrain from such as heavy lifting, exercise and just be careful moving around for the first few days since the stitches on the inside are very small.' I nodded and looked around the room, apparently not a subtly as I thought. 'Your boyfriend and friends all left five minutes ago to get coffee.' He told me, 'Which friends?' I asked him, 'Well there was Hannah I think her name is, Alex and Lewis and then there was a smaller gentle man and a lady with red hair.' he told me, 'That's Trott and Katie.' I told him and he nodded.

Dr Walsh and I were just generally chatting when the others came back in. 'Your awake.' Hannah asid as she lead them all in the room She sat one side of me with Lewis and Smith sat the other and Katie and Trott sat on a chair the other end of the room. 'She is doing amazingly. She can leave at four this afternoon.' Dr Walsh said before leaving the room. 'How you feeling poppet?' Lewis asked sipping his tea. 'Not bad, achy but not bad.' I told him trying to readjust my self inhaling sharply as I did so. 'Whoa.' Smith said standing up and propping my pillows up behind me. 'Sit down I am fine just been chopped open and stitched back together again.' I said and he chuckled as did the others. 'So what did the doc say walst we were gone?' Katie asked. 'Well I cant do any heavy lifting or exercise so the Olympics might have to wait and I need to take it easy for a few days so I don't pop any stitches.' I told them. 'You seen pretty relaxed about this whole thing.' Hannah pointed out, 'I feel relaxed about it, the anxiety pills must be working.' I told her and she smiled and ruffled my hair. 

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