Chapter 98 Feeling Crummy and Getting Lost

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I didn't sleep all that well monday night but better than the night before for sure. We had worked hard all day. We nailed two of the five trailers and calculated one can wait until we get back from Texas and the two that we had finished were already sent of for reviewing. When we finally wrapped up on Monday I was exhausted and pretty much dead and this morning I felt rough and was feeling pretty ill.

I was awake well before Smith today. He rolled over and looked at me, I could tell that he was not happy with the way that I looked this morning. He realised that I was ill and there was no hiding it from him. 'Honey please stay home and here today and get some proper rest.' he said and I shook my head, 'No you need me today.' My voice gave up on me towards the end. 'We have everything under control, we are just going to do a few things at the office and we have everything we need.' He told me, 'But..' I tried to say but he cut me off. 'No Abbey, stay at home you need to look after yourself. Do this one thing. We will be back before you know it.' I reassured me, 'Ok you win this one.' I gave in before shuffling closer to him.

The guys left for the office so they could do what they needed to do but Smith said they would be back by twelve. Luckily I wasn't at home on my own otherwise I might have gone insane. KIm was at home too, she sat on the other end of the sofa and scrolled through tumblr and did some minor work.

It got to ten and the guys had barely been gone an hour before I was bored. 'Fancy going out?' I asked Kim turning off the Tv. 'Smith said I needed to keep you at home so you could recover.' She said putting her phone down. 'Come on get ready.' I said getting up my head spinning slightly. 'Err, ok were you wanna go?' She asked and I thought for a second, 'town?' I suggested and she nodded.

We wandered around town with no real destination or objective in mind. 'Clothes shopping?' I said as we tried to figure something out so that we weren't just wandering. I brought a new blue flannel shirt, jeans with holes in and a couple of new marvel t-shirts and plain t-shirts. 'You and I have very similar dress sense.' Kim said as I came out of the fitting room trying on a pair of trousers. 'Yeah and we are simular size, let's just share clothes.' I said and we both laughed, 'i am so glad you moved back in.' I told her, 'yeah me too, I missed not being all together, Duncan's sofa was not the best bed, it was uncomfortable and I felt like I well overstayed my welcome.' She said, 'were you there for the whole time?' I asked her, she nodded, 'pretty much, there were a few night's that I stayed at friends but other than that it was the sofa.' She explained. 'Ross is happier too.' I told her, 'yeah I think so too, they are.. you are all so busy. he barely talks to me sometimes like his mind is elsewhere.' She sounded concerned. 'Yeah they are all stressed, Smith is similar but I guess Smith deals with it a little better than ROss, just try and talk to him about it or something else, that's what I do with Smith and it helps both of us.'

We finished up clothes shopping and wandered the paths, streets and alleyways for a while not taking much notice of where we were going. We ended up in a part of town that I barely recognized but was somehow still familiar. 'Errm Kim?' I said stopping, 'yeah?' She asked and she looked around at me. 'Where are we?' I asked and she looked around for a second, 'bugger.' she said under her breath. 'How lost are we?' I asked her and she looked at me. 'Errm, well. the most important thing here is that we don't panic.' She said starting to walk to way we had come. I think.

We were walking for an hour before I began losing a hold on my anxiety. We hadn't called the guys because I insisted, they were busy enough they didn't need to worry about us. Plus I was told to stay home and didn't want to be in more trouble. We were walking down a long alleyway and I noticed that there was a man sat on the floor his back against the wall. he had a grey beard, navy beanie hat that had seen better days and his clothes were tatty and dirty. 'Kim.' I interrupted her muttering, 'stay close ok.' I said as we approached the guy. From what I have learnt from my days without a roof, people can be unpredictable and dangerous. Kim and I walked shoulder to shoulder. 'You girls look lost.' He said as we passed him, his voice was northern and deep. 'NO we are fine.' Kim said and she went to walk on but I had slowed. 'You 'ave walked up and down here three times now. Your lost.' he said getting up slowly the odd bone cracking as he did so. I stepped in front of Kim looking at the guy, he had grey eyes and his face was dirty but not cold, he looked like he wouldn't harm a fly. 'You know the street layout?' I asked him and he put his hands in his pockets which had holes and one finger went right through. 'Might do.' He said, 'dangerous place these streets, like a maze for rats.' He said, 'one wrong turn and you're lost if you don't know your way.' he said, 'so do you know your way around?' I asked him again, 'could do.' he said, 'what's your poison?' I asked him and his eyes lit up. 'Well, Well, Well look at you all dressed up. Long time no see sister.' he said, Kim by this point was very confused. 'You gonna help us home Red?' I asked with a smile, 'you know anything for you Alley Cat.' he said and he lead the way.

'Where you been then? Missed you I 'ave.' Red said leading us through various back passages. 'Found myself a castle didn't i.' I told him. 'Ok hold up, some explanation please.' Kim said, 'Alley Cat here and I were partners and I am in her debt. She saved my back side more times then you can count.' Red Told Kim. 'Alley Cat?' She asked, 'Nicknames, leaves all ties and complications behind us, you might be you in your castle but out here you're someone else.' I explained, 'which way you wanna go?' Red asked us as we walked under the overpass. 'Town centre please.' Kim said and Red chuckled and carried on walking.

KIm and I walked side by side as Red lead on, 'we should call the guys, they will be home by now and might be worried since we didn't tell them we were going out.' She said. 'Get them to meet us at the cafe, Mum should be working today too, we are almost there I think.' Kim pulled out her phone and texted.

Kim fell slightly behind and Red and I walked upfront and started talking. 'How's life in a castle doing you then?' He asked, I put my hands in my pockets having given Kim all the bags from shopping. 'NOt too bad, better than concrete.' I said, 'Amen to that.' He said, 'here you go. Town centre' he said as we magically emerged into a busy mass of people and shops. 'Thanks Red, I appreciate it. Take care of yourself.' I said he smiled, 'yes thank you Red.' Kim thanked. 'See you around Alleycat and friend.' He said before walking off. 'Right, lunch?' I suggested turning to KIm like nothing had happened. 'Sure.' she said and we walked of, she more hesitant and confused.  

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