Chapter 13 Burns and Helping Out

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The usual dog barking was our alarm today. I rolled away from facing Smith and off of his arm which he was relieved to have back. 'I have lost all feeling in my hand.' He grumbled with his eyes closed. I chuckled and sat up, 'Never mind, did you sleep alright?' I asked him and he opened his eyes and looked at me, 'Yeah other than you scared the crap out of me around four this morning.' I looked at him perplexed. 'I didn't think you remembered. You had another nightmare, I forgot that you had them if I am honest but you shouted and I almost hit the roof. I calmed you down and then you went back to sleep by half four but I couldn't sleep until god knows when.' I apologised to him before kissing him and getting out of bed and going for a shower.

I was wearing my shorts and green Hatfilms shirt since it looked nice out today. Ross and Kim were in the kitchen when I came down being all cute cuddling and kissing each other. 'I can think of worse things to have for breakfast.' I said walking over to the kettle. 'Have you seen Smith?' I asked them and they shook their heads. I took my tea and went to the living room and I could see the top of Smith's messy ginger hair peaking over through the window.

Walking outside I was greeted by both of the dogs before they ran inside behind me and I went to sit on the bench by Smith. 'It is beautiful out today.' Smith said as I sat down and I agreed. 'I hear that you are planning on coming to some conventions with us.' Smith brought up, I put my mug in my lap and crossed my legs on the bench. 'Yep, I think it will be fun.' He nodded, 'Surly is an experience.' He chuckled sipping on his tea.

By eight we were all ready leaving since we were all so busy, as we walked to work I was walking with Smith and Trott and Kim and Ross were holding hands walking behind us both in a good mood. 'What has got into them two?' Trott asked us, I shrugged my shoulders. 'I could probably tell you what has got into one of them and the other one put it there.' Smith said in a lower volume and I nudged his side but he was probably right, us girls might have some investigating to do.

Once we were at the office Kim vanished right off of the bat and Trott wasted no time and headed straight down to the office. Smith and Ross went into the kitchen and I was chatting to Sjin about a let's build series I had been watching off his. 'OH FUCK!' Came a very loud shout from the kitchen which Sjin and I responded to quickly. 'What happened?' I asked standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Smith was stood with his hand under the running tap and Ross was wiping the floor. 'Smith's cup tipped over and hot water went everywhere.' Ross said still wiping up the floor. Sjin helped Ross and I went over to Smith, his all four of his fingers were res and half of his hand. 'I am fine.' He insisted but I told him to let me have a look at it. 'Bloody hell Alex, we should probably take you to A&E it looks pretty bad.' Being a man he told me he didn't want to go and he would be fine. 'Mate just go and get it checked out. Better safe than sorry.' Ross helped me on the other side of Smith after finishing the floor. We carried on trying to get Smith to go to the hospital but he wasn't having any of it. 'Fine. Come with me.' I said grabbing hold of his other hand turning the tap off. I lead him the short distance to Hannah's office and knocked on the door, she saw me through the window and walked over. 'Hey. What's up?' She answered. 'Can you tell darling Alex here that he should go to the hospital?' she looked at us confused and I held his other hand up to show her and she inhaled through her teeth making a hissing noise. 'You defiantly need that looked at.' She told him and I looked up at him, 'Please, it would put my mind at ease.' I pleaded once more and he gave in.

Hannah showed me where the first aid kit was and I put a special burn bandage on his hand along with some cream to prevent infection. 'Your skills in this department outstand me even now.' He said as is bandaged his hand. 'Well when no one else cares about you you have to learn to care for yourself.' I told him finishing the bandage. 'Thank you.' He said kissing me on the cheek. 'Right, Sjin is going to run you over to the hospital since he isn't busy and I am going to stay with the guys and try to help out. Call me when you have a verdict and stuff. Ok?' he nodded and I kissed him and we walked out and Sjin was leaning on the wall opposite and they went off.

Walking into the Hat office Ross and Trott had headphones on and were both trying to work on the next Stunt lads. I walked up behind Trott and leaned on his desk, 'what can I help with?' I asked him as he took off his headphones noticing me. 'Is Smith ok?' he asked and I told him he had gone with Sjin to the hospital and asked him again what I could do. 'Well there are not many thumbnails that need doing but you could do some of this generic stuff for me most of it is just e-mails and stuff.' He said handing me a small pile of paper which I took to my desk and started working though. Some of it was sending stats and schedules to Turps and the other stuff was just emailing about trailers that the guys were working on, Trott had roughly written the emails so all I had to do was write them into the e-mail. By half eleven I had finished all of the e-mails and I hadn't heard anything from Smith apart from the hospital was full and smelled funny and they hadn't been seen yet. I got up from my desk and put the pile of papers on Trott's desk again and asked what else I could do to help. 'I have nothing else for you but Ross might have something.' He said and I went and asked Ross. 'Well we are live streaming more so you could help set up some cables and feeds if you are that bored?' he offered and I did, I was scrambling under mine and Smith's desk linking all of the audio cables and video capture to Ross' box of wonders which controlled sounds and stuff next to him up until lunch.

I had decided that I was going to call Smith since he hadn't called me. I stayed in the office walst Ross and Trott went to get drinks for us. The phone rang and rang and this was the second time I had tried with no answer. Instead I tried calling Sjin after getting his number from Duncan. He picked up after only a couple of rings. 'Hey Sjin how's it going?' I asked immediately. 'Oh hey, he is in the doctor's room now in the burn ward and he has been in there for a little while now. I will get him to call you when he is out.' Ross and Trott walked through the door and Ross handed me a mug. 'Ok I will see you later, if a doctor advises something can you take note since Smith might try to over look it.' Sjin agreed and we hung up.

'How's he doing? What did the doctors say?' Trott asked sitting on the sofa opposite me 'He is in the doctor's office now, should find out soon.' I told him, 'He will be fine Abbey.' Ross said perching himself on my desk. 'I know he will be fine I am just worried he won't listen to the doctors so I asked Sjin to take note.' Ross chuckled, 'You have that guy figured out don't you?' Ross said and I looked up at him. 'I like to think so.'


Double to make up for yesterdays lack of upload, got a lot going on lately but should bee good now :-)


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