Chapter 92 Zombies and Gym

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When we got to the office everyone was already crowded in the common room talking among themselves. 'We were waiting for you. Everything alright we were starting to worry.' Kim said as we all stood along the back wall of the common room. I believe that Ross and her were on good ground, maybe even better than before and she was going to move back in soon. I had bet that it would be this weekend, Smith said it would be next week and Katie and Trott through it would be before the end of the week.

'Ok now that we are all here.' Turps started looking at us. 'Due to the success of the last don't starve challenge we are looking to do something similar in the next few months. At the moment we are not sure what this means, it could be like the last one, as in camping themed and just basic survival sort of aims or completely different.' Turps went on about stats of the last videos and i zoned out a little. 'Yeah so we are open to suggestions and we need to know who is interested to get teams together and to maybe match people better than last time. Other than that have a good day.' Turps rounded off and people started moving and leaving.

I was talking to Hannah whilst waiting for the guys to finish talking to Turps about a possible GTA recording later today. 'Will you take part?' I asked Hannah, 'Yeah probably, depends if they come up with a decent idea because i have my limits you know, i dont really was to do some iron challenge or something.' She folded her arms, 'I bet you would be up for it if it was zombie themed.' i chuckled and her eyes lit up, 'oh my god that's amazing.' She said, 'What is?' Lewis asked walking over looking curious. 'Let's make the challenge Zombie themed, it then ties in with the DND that you guys did and would fit on the channel better' she told him. 'That's not a bad idea. i will look into it and mention it to the guys. Where would we be without you Abbey.' he said putting an arm around me.

The guys had finally finished talking to Turps and I had used my time to answer some of the tumblr asks i had.

We wrapped up on a massive GTA recording with Sips and Turps in free roam with some of the new games that had been introduced. Lewis must have been waiting for us to finish. 'It's done, the next challenge will be zombie themed, they are coming up with challenges and maybe even a story line to follow. I assume you are all in for another weekend running around in the woods?' Lewis asked us all excited. 'Well that sounds like a normal weekend for Smith.' Trott teased, 'yeah we are in.' i gave lewis his answer since it looked like the guys weren't. 'We were also thinking about doing teams of three, since we know Simon won't be up for it.' Lewis said and before i could say i will drop out and join another team Ross said, 'Well Trott and Abbey are like half a person each, it will be fine, it will be funny.' He told Lewis who nodded before leaving. 'This is going to be fun.' Trott said getting up and sitting on the sofa.

I was editing some thumbnails since i got some of the text wrong so that they were ready to go out tonight. i was listening to the Quentin Tarantino album on Spotify and it had the soundtrack of some of his films on it. I hadn't really watched any of the films, Ross and Trott were watching Reservoir Dogs a few months back but i wasn't really paying attention. The guys were sat planning schedules, recordings and the next stunt lads video. i didn't get involved with that i would just try to be in the right place at the right time and do whatever i needed to do.

'Ok then, let's get going with this since it is going take until the next century to get right and set up.' Trott said getting up. 'What we doing?' I asked taking of my headphones half way through 'Stuck In The Middle With You.' Smith walked over to my desk and lent on it, 'we are going to to record and set up some stunt lads.' He told me, 'thank god, may ask box is full with people asking where it has gone and is it dead.' i told him going to put my headphones back on, 'i still can't figure out how to use it.' Smith said walking back to his desk. 'Oh dude you're missing out, there are so many detailed stories about you all sharing baths or playing erotic twister games.' Smith just rolled his eyes and i heard Ross chuckle.

We ended up finishing everything by half seven and for once i wasn't waiting around, i had only just finished all my emails when we were ready to go. 'What's for dinner?' Smith asked as Ross locked our office door, 'Katie said she was going o go shopping after work today.' Trott told us as we headed out of the main office building. 'I could go for pizza or maybe a burger.' Smith said, 'Yeah Pizza sounds good.' Ross agreed. 'Maybe we should try to eat a little better.' I said and all three of them looked at me in stunned silence. 'We seem to eat far too much junk food, like pizza and chinese food. And then we sit down all day playing games and whatever without exercise.' Smith held the main door open as we walked out. 'I play airsoft, that's exercise.' He protested, 'I know, but when was the last time you went? Maybe we should join the gym or something. Hannah and Sjin go, we could go with them.' i suggested. 'It's not the worst idea in the world.' Ross backed me up. 'Then it's settled, we join the gym this weekend.' I concluded.

When we got home Katie was cooking in the kitchen, 'what's cooking good looking?' Trott asked before kissing Katie. 'We have sausage, mash, vegetables and gravy.' She said stirring the gravy in a pan. 'You going to join us Katie?'Smith asked her sitting at the dining room table. 'In what antics will i be joining?' She asked, 'The gym.' Ross told her. 'You guys? Join the gym? sounds dangerous.' She said still cooking, 'Abbey pointed out that we aren't massively healthy with all the pizza and sitting down playing video games all day.' Trott chimed in getting plates out of the cupboard, 'I have been trying to get you guys to get more active for like three years. Why now?' she asked dishing dinner up. 'Because Abbey said so.' Smith said and the other two nodded.

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