Breakfast with Mikaelson Family

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Niklaus's POV

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Niklaus's POV

I woke up, took a quick shower, put a black shirt and some jeans, then walked over to the dining room and saw my brother Elijah waiting for me, Rebekah and Caroline.

"Good morning, brother." Elijah said and I gave him a nod.

"Elijah, may I know what are your thoughts about Caroline Forbes?"

"I think she's really protective of the ones she cares about. Why?" My brother asked me.

"It's just... Not important." I said.

I lied because if I told him what I was thinking, I knew that he would start to think that I have some kind of feeling for this woman, and that couldn't be any further than the truth... She's just intriguing and nothing else. I know this, because I'm not the felling in love type of guy.

"Good morning!" Caroline said, while appearing in the living room along with my sister, then seat next to me and my sister seat next to Elijah, making her being in front of Caroline.

Caroline had a blue dark dress with some brown drawing, a belt, a jean jacket and leather boots.

"Good morning!" My brother and I said.

Caroline's POV

When I was about to go to eat breakfast, I meet Rebekah Mikaelson, Niklaus's sister and the only girl in the Mikaelson family, we talk a little and then went to the dining room where was a table filled with food, toasts, cakes, fruits, some orange juice and blood bags with different types.

I was seating next to Klaus and when I saw them start eating, I decided to drink the blood bag B+ and then I eat some toasts with my orange juice. I noticed Klaus looking at me sometimes but I didn't do anything, I just kept eating.

Once I was finished, I went with Klaus to his office and after he closed the door and seated in the chair of his desk.

"So... You did wanted to talk to me about our arrangement. What are the things that you have more interest in handle?"

"First, I want to make sure you will always be here by my side."

"I can't promise you that, Klaus. If I don't think something you intend to do is correct then I won't just be by your side. I always fight for what I believed and I always will. No one will change that." I told him.

"You married me and a wife must be always be by her husband's side." He growled while getting up from his chair making me rolling my eyes.

"This is not a normal marriage and you know it. I married you with the porpoise of giving piece to my city." I told him pissed off at his behavior. "Look, I'm not trying to be your enemy but don't you think that I will stop saying what I think and that I will start fear you like you're so used to..."

"And do you think you should not fear me? I am the Big Bad Hybrid, I have no feeling, I..."

"You're lying to everyone and specially to yourself. I might not know you that well, but one thing that I'm sure is that you have feelings, because everyone as them, even the most horrible people have feelings." I said and he seemed surprised at my answer but then put a poker face.

"Would you continue thinking that, after knowing how many people I killed just for fun?"

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