"Why did you married me?"

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

While Caroline talked with her so called friends, I decided to call Elijah. Apparently the phone calls were because some friends of Caroline wanted to see her and when heard about the honeymoon they thought I was going to do something with her. I wanted to break stuff but controlled myself because she would be scared of me and for some unknown reason, I wanted her to feel protected when was by my side and not scared, it was weird because I do everything I can to make others feel scared of me. I was in the living room when Caroline appeared ending the call and seat on the couch.

"Did you talked with your siblings?" She asked.

"Yes. They wanted me to know that your friends from Mystic Falls appeared to surprise you and when heard about our honeymoon they fought that I was kidnapping you." I said angry because I couldn't do something as horrible to Caroline like that.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I'm kind of a magnet to kidnaps and tortures..."

"Who hurt you?" I asked even more angry because I couldn't stand of the thought of someone hurting someone as incredible as Caroline.

"Doesn't matter now. It's all in the past. But I apologize for their assumptions, it's just we all heard stuff about you and... Stefan and his brother Damon had a thing with Katherine and..."

"You know where Katerina is?" I asked pissed off because she should die for making my plans of turning into a hybrid go down.

"You don't know? She died two years ago."

"Why did you married me?" I asked after a few minutes of silence, where I debated myself if I should ask or not.

"You know the reason. I wanted to avoid war and I wanted to protect innocent lives." She replied a little confused.

"But you do know what I did to Katerina. You know what I did to her family and how she was on the run her entire life because of me." I said still not understanding how she could marry someone who did something as monstrous as killing an entire family for revenge.

"Klaus, everyone done horrible things. Some people more then another. I can't compare you to me or to Katherine or to any of my friends because you are older then us, you lived for so long that it's normal you make more mistakes then we and that you had a time in your life that you didn't respect human's lives because you got used to be a vampire and... I can't see how you suffer so much and continue to have a light inside of you, you continued to have humanity and that's surprising after everything you had been through."

"How can you possibly think that?"

"Because I've seen it. I see that you care about me, I see how you love art and I see how you try to push everyone away because you're afraid of getting hurt. You pretend to be this monster for so long that you start believe your own lie but I see the monster you claim to be is just a mask. A monster like that would never care about someone or would care about something as pure as art." She said and I kissed her with passion.

"You need to stop seeing the good in me because in the end you will get hurt." I told her and walked to the bar

I had to put my ideas in order and stop all this feelings I have towards Caroline. Love will just bring me more pain and I will not be a easy target like everyone else who falls in love.

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