The Big Ball

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

The music started to play and we all started to dance.

"You look ravishing, love." He said making me blush.

"All thanks to you. You didn't had to..."

"But I wanted to." He cut me off and I gave him a smile then we continue dancing but I noticed that his eyes never left me.

Eventually the song stopped and it was time to get to our original positions, Klaus could go talk with Camille but he opted to stay with me... Probably to make a nice image to the other people.

"I think I'm going to let you prepare our events more often. You have an eye for it." He said.

"You really think so? Because I wasn't sure if it was too much or..."

"It's perfect. Just like you..." He said making me blush.

"When are you going to make the announcement?" I asked to change the subject.

"Wanting to tell everyone that I am your King?" He asked with a smirk, making me roll my eyes.

"No. It's just... Forget it." I said and started to avoid eye-contact because I didn't knew how he would react if I told him the truth and I couldn't lie to him if I looked at him.

"Caroline, you know that you can talk to me about anything, right? It's the job of a King listen to his Queen." He said making me look at him.

"I'm a little scared about how it will be my friends reactions to you have a word in ruling Mystic Falls. They think that I just married you to avoid war and that we would continue to ruling our cities like nothing ever happened; you ruled yours and I ruled mine." I explained him.

"Why are you so afraid of your friends reaction?" He asked.

"Because they don't have the nicest image of you..."

"You mean they see me as the Original Hybrid who only brings destruction and pain around him." Klaus said.

"It's not like that but... Katherine really had Damon and Stefan wrapped on her little finger." I said and then added "They will eventually see that you are not that bad guy that everyone thinks of."

"Alright. Let's make the announcement." He said and we went to the stairs to make everyone look at us.

"Good evening, everyone!" He started making everyone stop talking. "We are so thankful for you all gathering this night and celebrate with us the beginning of a new era. Today is the day that Caroline Forbes becomes officially Caroline Mikaelson and my Queen. We will now rule New Orleans and Mystic Falls together, however Caroline will always have a last word when it comes to Mystic Falls. Now cheers to my beautiful Queen!"

"Cheers!" Everyone said while raising the cup of champagne and drink it.

"Thank you." I whisper to his ear and he smirk to me.

"Anything for my queen..." He said making me blush.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" We heard many people shouted and then we looked at each other and kissed, at first was a slow kiss and got deeper and deeper by the moment and I only broke the  kiss to catch my breath, Klaus smirked at me and I also smiled to him while everyone clap.

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