Sharing the bed

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

Caroline didn't know what to say about this new arrangement. She already felt a little uncomfortable about living in a place she barely knew with a family that she never met and had to fake in front of everyone that they were all like family, now with the sleeping with Klaus thing, was making everything more weird for her...

Klaus wasn't so worried as Caroline, because he was only focusing on the important things, which for him meant be the leader, continue having the same reputation and try to cover this marriage so no one wouldn't know what was really happening in that marriage.

Caroline went to the private bathroom that Klaus had in the room, so she could put her pjs. While Caroline was in the bathroom, preparing herself to go to the same bed as Klaus, he put some pants and stayed shirtless, then lay down in the bed, waiting for Caroline.

After Caroline make a speech to herself in her head about how she could do this and was nothing special sleeping in the same bed as Klaus, even if something inside her said the contrary.

She walked over to the bed and lay down next to Klaus but kept her distance, to not think too much about sharing a room with Klaus and most importantly, a bed with him.

After a few minutes, Caroline fell asleep because even that she was a little nervous about sleeping with Klaus, she was too tired of the party that Marcel made and she didn't had slept well in days before the wedding because of all the nerves and the fear of something wrong would happen to her or her friends... She was even more stressed then usual in the last days before the wedding and cleaned everything she saw multiples times to not think about the wedding but the problem with control freaks is that they can't stop think in the things they can't control and when it comes to Caroline, that specially applies to the safety of her loved ones.

In her sleep, she turn around, making Klaus faced her, and without noticing, he started to caress her cheek with his thumb. He couldn't stop wondering how a person could be so beautiful, so kind, so caring, so brave, so smart and so determinate had accept marrying someone like him just to make sure that the people of her city would be safe and sound. Actually Klaus admired that in her, how she sacrificed her own happiness to guarantee the safety of others.

Once Klaus realized he was having feelings that wasn't hate or angry, he was having a feeling that was unfamiliar to him, he was enjoying her company and felt himself wanting to spend time with this woman that since they saw each other, the only thing near a compliment he got was that night and was 'You don't look that bad yourself'. Something about her didn't just intrigued him but also make him thinking about her more then he wished for and he didn't know what to do because he liked to think about her. She was like a mystery or a puzzle that he had to solve, something about her capture his attention and wasn't just her beauty, was the combine of all her qualities, her beauty, her intelligence, her bravery, her kindness to others and her protective side towards the people she cared.

Everything about her was fascinating to him because she was all the good that he had stopped being a long time ago, she had this light that he didn't saw in no one, in no vampire, no wolf and no human. Her light was so bright that she seemed a lighthouse in the middle of a thunderstorm and he seemed a little boat that had no direction until saw the light of the lighthouse.

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