The Big Day (Part 1/2)

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

After Klaus had accepted the proposal, Caroline took some people of her most trust to New Orleans to help Niklaus with preparing everything for her marriage.

She's usually the one who organizes everything in every event, but this time was different, she couldn't go to New Orleans and prepare everything like if she was happy about this marriage... She always had picture her marriage like every other girl, she imagine that one day she would fell in love with a nice man, who would threat her in the right way and then they would get married, not like this... She barely knows who is this King called Niklaus Mikaelson. The only thing that she knows about the man she's going to marry is what she heard about and there is not a single good thing, everyone fears him, think he is a psycho and that he has no saving.

Niklaus had only two things to add in there proposal, which was she would marry him in the date he wanted, which was in a week and she would had to live with him.

The week it passed faster then she wished and she was now in New Orleans, in a room, getting ready to spend the rest of her eternity by Niklaus's side and to sacrifice her happiness for the her town and her people. For how much it hurt going against what she believed correct, because she always thought married should be only for two people who are truly in love and intend to pass the rest of their lives with each other, but she knew that this was what she had to do, she had to sacrifice herself for her city and her people, they were counting on her...

She took a deep breath, put a smile in her face and decided that was now or never.

"Bonnie, it's time. I'm going to get married. Can you announce me?" She said to her best friend.

"Are you sure about this, Care? He is not a good person and... You shouldn't sacrifice yourself and your happiness for..."

"Bonnie, I already made my mind. Many times we have to make sacrifices in order to protect our city, our people and the people we care the most." Caroline said and the Bennett witch just nodded and went to the place where was everyone and the man who she was going to marry.

Caroline's POV

When I started to hear the song, I went to where everyone was, making everyone get up from their seats and look at me, the closest to me had a concerned look and the ones who just knew me gave me a smile along with the ones that I didn't knew.

At first I look at the man standing in the altar, he was quite handsome..., then I looked back at everyone that I knew and gave them a smile to make them know that I was sure of my decision and there was nothing to worried, but sometimes I have some glares to the man who was soon to be my husband.

Once I got to the altar, I went by his side and gave him a smile, trying to hide how I was nervous, and he simply smirked at me, showing his dimples, then looked at me like if he was trying to remember later every single detail...

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