Breakfast in Bed

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Klaus's POV

I woke up and for how much I told myself that I should get up, I couldn't because the feeling of having Caroline this close to me felt too good.

When I felt Caroline waking up, I gave her a peck on the cheek and said "Good morning, love."

"Good morning, Klaus." She said and turned around with her eyes closed, making me see her face and used me as a pillow.

"You don't mind to be my personal pillow for awhile, do you?" She asked with her head already resting in my chest

"I am your personal pillow as long as you want." I said smirking and then I felt her hand resting in my cheek and then she start to rub her thumb in my beard.

"This is relaxing..." She said while I stroke her hair and she rub her thumb in my beard.

No One's POV

"It is..." He admitted more to himself because he wasn't used to get attached to someone so quickly and wasn't used to relax.

"Can't we stay like this the entire day? We just order in and stay here..." She suggested because she was enjoying the feeling of being in Klaus's arms and it calmed her down the feeling of her nail rubbing his beard.

"I'm tempted to accept your offer, love." He said with smirk and she also smiled.

"You know what, love? It's our honeymoon and we deserve breakfast in bed." He said, making Caroline lift her head to see if he was serious and Niklaus took the phone that was in the nightstand and called the hotel service to give them the breakfast in bed.

A few minutes after calling the room services, a man appeared and couldn't help but look a little too much to Caroline and Niklaus notices but Caroline didn't even realized because was too focus on the food.

"Thank God! I'm starving." Caroline said.

"Everything for my wife." Niklaus said and kissed Caroline, getting her off guard then looked at the man and compelled him to go away and forget about Caroline.

"What was that?"

"He was completely drooling..." He was about to explain himself when Caroline start to smile and fight herself to not let out a laugh because for her was too funny to see The Niklaus Mikaelson jealous.

"You know that you are very cute when you're jealous?"

"Number one: I'm never cute, bunnies are cute. Number two: I was not jealous." He said pissed off, not with her but with himself because she was making him opening to her like he never did with no one in his long existence.

"Number three: You were completely jealous." She said smiling and he gave her a look. "Fine. I'll stop."

Then she gave a peck in his cheek and start to eat the breakfast with Niklaus, they sometimes exchange glances and tried to reason themselves that what they felt for each other was wrong because this marriage was supposed to be only business, but they couldn't hide the fact that they had more then a simple attraction for each other.

"I know it! I always wanted to do this on my honeymoon..." She said and after she told him what she wished to do on her honeymoon, he agreed on doing it.

They pick one strawberry, and feed it to each other, it was so lame that in the end they laugh of the so human events they were doing. He put Caroline in his lap and then continue to eating the breakfast, while sometimes fed each other.

Caroline was eating when felt Klaus placing kisses on her shoulder, and her hands rubbed her belly to her waist and back to her belly slowly, under her top, making Caroline feel a shiver down her spine. Klaus started to let a trail of wet kisses in direction of her neck.

"Klaus..." She moaned when he reach her sweet spot, making him smirk, then made her turn to see him

"I know you want me too." He whispered to her lips and kissed her with passion and desire, she kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck making him closer to her and he pulled as close to him as possible with his arms around her waist.

" He whispered to her lips and kissed her with passion and desire, she kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck making him closer to her and he pulled as close to him as possible with his arms around her waist

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