Niklaus's Vow + Enzo's Visit

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AN: Hey guys! This is the last chapter and I hope you like it. Curiosity: Just like in the book 'My Prison' this ended in the 100th chapter.
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Klaus's POV

I was smiling to her and admiring her bright smile and her sparkling blue eyes when the priest told me it was my time to make the vow.

"Caroline, you make me feel like no one ever did. With you I know that I can be myself and I know that you are going to be always there, even in my worst because you never failed me, you were always there even when I said that I didn't want your help, you stayed with me. You showed me that love isn't a bad thing and that can be a specie of an anchor. I love you for showing me that I can be myself and telling me when I'm doing something wrong and I just wish you continue to be by my side so I can be the man you deserve, it might take some years of you correcting me but I know that I can be the man you deserve. I can't imagine my life without you. You are the light in my life. I love you and I will love you always and forever." I said and she quickly clean the tears that were almost showing up.

"You may now kiss your wife." The priest said and I kissed her with all my love.

"Thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world." She whispered to me with a big smile.

"Thank you for making me the happiest man in the universe." I said with a smirk and we kissed again.


We were all now in the Quarter celebrating and Lorenzo walked over to me and Caroline.

"I know that I'm not welcomed here and I just came here to say something and I promise that you two don't have to see me again. I just wanted to apologized for what happens in the other Ball and to say that after awhile of being distant of Caroline, I realized that I just misread my feelings and that I'm really happy that you found each other. I might not know you, Klaus, but I know Care and she never was so happy like she is when is around you. I wish you the best and I hope one day you will forgive me." Lorenzo said and Caroline looked at me, making me know that she wanted me to forgive him.

"I guess that we can try to start over. However, if I see you look a little too much to my wife, I will cut your balls and you can say goodbye to everything you have of good in your life." I told him and Caroline rolled her eyes with a smile.

"So that's a yes, I'm forgiven?" Enzo asked.

"Yes. Nik just likes to go all alpha male." Caroline said then her friend left and she said "Thank you for making an effort to get along with him. You have no idea how much that means to me."

"I know that it means a lot and I'm just trying to be the man you deserve."

"You don't have to try to be anything. I love you just the way you are, the good and the bad. I love everything in you and you don't need to change for me."

"I don't know how I get so lucky but whatever God there is, I'm thankful for making you appeared in my way and letting me met someone like you. I love you so much." I said and she kissed me.

Now, I was sure of something that in a thousand years I never was, I was sure that someone truly loves me for who I am and that I had someone that understood me. I might not be a psychic but I know that I'm never going to be as happy as I am now because I'm now a father like I always wanted and officially really married with the woman I truly love.

 I might not be a psychic but I know that I'm never going to be as happy as I am now because I'm now a father like I always wanted and officially really married with the woman I truly love

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