Officialize Klaroline & The Bad Gift

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I woke up and noticed Klaus staring at me, so I cover my face under the sheet because I was embarrassed with what happened. I know that Klaus said he wanted me but... I was drunk and maybe he just said what he said so I would stop discussing with him and maybe he thought that I was just too drunk and didn't know what I was saying...

"Love... Stop covering your face." He said softly and I took the sheet of my face and look at him shyly, he smirked, showing his cute dimples, and had his blue-grey eyes shining like stars, then he kissed me softly.

"I'm sorry." Klaus said when broke the kiss.

"For what?" I asked while praying that he wouldn't break up with me.

"For not telling you how I felt and for making you feel the way you did last night... I never had the intention of hurting you. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course I can." I said and kissed him.

"I have a question for you. Do you want to be officially my girlfriend or wife...?"

"I would love that." I said with a smile and kissed him.

He rolled us over, so he could be on top, he kissed me and then travel his lips to my neck, he kissed and suck it, making me moan. He ripped my dress and looked at my body with so much desire that made me blush, then looked at me and kissed me passionately. Then he let a trail of wet kisses to my breast and to my belly, then he kissed me again and I rolled us over to be on top.

"You're so beautiful, love..." He whispered making me smile then I kissed him, took his t-shirt and start to let a trail of wet kisses to his neck and then ended in his 6 pack, then I lick it, making him moan, and I kissed him again.


"Wow!" I said to myself.

"Wow in deed." He said making me blush and then kissed him.

"Let's go... We have to get up."

"But I'm so comfortable being like this..." He said making me blush.

"I know... I am too, but we have to or your sister won't shut up about the time we take to have breakfast."

"Alright. But first..." He said and kissed me, then we went to the bathroom not having much showering but I didn't care because I was too happy being with Klaus.

After that we went to the living room where Rebekah was reading a magazine and Elijah was in his iPhone.

"Hey guys!" I said and Rebekah saw us holding hands.

"Did you two finally had the talk?"

"Well, this morning wasn't there much talk but I guess so..." Klaus said making me blush then we all went to the dinning room and in the middle of the table was a box with a note saying Caroline.

"What does it say?" Rebekah asked when I walked over to the box and saw the note.

"This is just the beginning." I read out loud, then opened the box and saw a heart, a human heart.

"Oh God!" I said scared and klaus hugged me to comfort me, I quickly covered my face in his neck.

"It's okay, love. Elijah took the heart out of the room." He said then added "Don't worry, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

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