Klaus's Note & Occasior's Call

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I woke up first than everybody else and got ready to go to the Bayou. It was still 5 am, and I knew I was going to wait hours so the Occasior would appear, if he had the courage to face me but I had to try. I needed to fight this person and stop this. Whatever I did, I'm going to make it seem it was a joke compared to what I'm going to do now.

Caroline's POV

I woke up and Klaus wasn't there, making me seat and look around the room for him, then I saw a note in his nightstand saying Caroline with Klaus's hand writing.

'Dear Caroline,

Before I start to tell you what happened, I wanted to apologize for breaking our rule but I had to. I know how you hated the fact that I went finding the Occasior all by myself but... I need to do this. I need to be the one ending this, he wants to hurt me and I'm not letting you be in the middle of this. I can't...

Last night the Occasior texted me and we decided to meet. Today I will end this.

I won't tell you where I am and please don't try to find me. I'm doing this not just for me and my family but also and specially for you. I love you.'

I can't believe he did this to me again... we made a promise to not go to someplace without telling to one another. Why is he doing this to me?

I walked over to the living room, where I saw Elijah and Rebekah.

"Good morning, Caroline!" Elijah said.

"Hey, Care!" Rebekah said with a smile.

"You two know where's your brother?" I asked.

"Isn't he in the bedroom?" Bekah asked.

"No. He decided to go fight the Occasior by himself and in a freakin note he asked me to not go search for him because he needs to end this by himself." I said upset.

"What are we going to do?" Rebekah asked.

"We need to go find him." Elijah said and we all agreed.

When we were about to get out of the Quarter, we found a invisible barrier that was in the door, we tried the windows and the backdoor but they had a stupid invisible barrier that made us be locked inside.

"We have to call Klaus. What if he is in danger?" I said and called him.

"Hello there, Caroline." A voice said.

"Who are you? Where is Klaus? What did you do to him?" I asked mad but tears wanted to get out.

"I'm the one you call Occasior. It doesn't matter where your beloved is. He is alive, that's all it matters." The voice said.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because it's what Klaus deserves." The voice said.

"Don't do this. Whatever he did, I'm sure he will make it 10 times worst when"

"He won't." The voice said cutting me off then added "Now you better go to sleep. I can feel you are getting tired."

Then everything went black.

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