Talking with Caroline

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

When I saw my sister walking away to inside the Quarter, I decided to walk over Caroline and try to make everything alright because I hated to see Caroline angry at me.

"Caroline..." I called her making her turn to see me.

"What do you want?" She asked with a bored look.

"I reflected about what you said and I decided that I may had been a little too aggressive. I didn't want you to feel my proprietary, I just wanted to know who were your friends."


"To make sure we are safe and none of them is a backstabbing friend." I said and she rolled her eyes. "But you also seemed very aggressive towards Camille, so... What's your thing with Camille?"

"I just think it's weird the only person who was your friend that called you in our honeymoon was Camille. She's probably more then a friend and you were all over me saying that I could only date people after 2 years of being married to you and anyone we would get involved with, we had to tell the other one..." Caroline said and seemed upset.

"You are right when you say Camille is more then a friend... She's not just my friend, she's also my therapist me I talk to her at least once a week about my past and what's going on in my life and feelings."

"I don't have nothing to do with the both of you." She said avoiding eye contact and she seemed now sad.

"Yes, you do. You're my wife, you have to do about everything that's going on in my life. And I kind of wished that you would trust me enough to tell me about your friends."

"You didn't told me everything about Cami and Marcel." Caroline said and I nodded then explained how I met them and when.

"Alright. I told you every single detail, it's your turn."

"Fair point. The people you saw in the part were Bonnie, Elena, Matt, Damon, Tyler, Lorenzo and Stefan. Bonnie, Elena, Tyler and Matt I known them since forever, they were my friends from childhood with the exception of Tyler, we only started to be friends when he turned to a werewolf, which was when I turned into a vampire, we were news at all this supernatural stuff so we helped each other. Damon is Elena's boyfriend, Stefan's brother and he can be a good friend when is not too busy being a jerk, I know him for 7 years. Enzo is Damon's best friend and he was a vampire that was prisoner by Augustine, a doctor that tried to see how vampires were and stuff like that and we each other for 3 years. Stefan is my best friend and was who teach me how to hunt bunnies and other animals so I wouldn't drink of people, how I told you he was a ripper but I helped him when he starts to losing himself to the bloodlust." Caroline told me.

"And is any one of this guys an ex or...?"

"Yes. I dated with Damon seven years ago but didn't last, I dated for a year with Matt after dating Damon, after turning Matt broke with me because couldn't handle dating a vampire so we Brooke up and I start to get closer to Tyler so then we started to dated and last 2 years but then we broke up." She told me like if it wasn't that big of deal.

"When were you thinking about telling me that almost every guy that is your friend is actually your ex?" I asked now upset.

"Because it doesn't matter. Why do you care so much? It's not like I cheated on you or something?"

"Because I don't like to have in my house guys who are not over my wife." I said upset because now all I could see was her dating those guys.

"They are all over me, it was a long time ago..." She said.

"No one can be over you, love." I said upset and then I realized what I just said and noticed Caroline was smiling a little and blushed for awhile.

"Kiss her. Just kiss her. I know you want to kiss her. KISS HER!" A voice inside of my head said.

"Are we okay?" I asked to change the subject and not do what my head and my soldier (if you know what I mean) said.

"We are." She said with her bright smile.

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