Texting with Caroline

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Klaus's POV

After talking with Caroline, I went to the bar to drink some bourbon and try to reason myself about this all Caroline thing. What am I doing? Why has she such an effect on me? This was supposed to be just some mere attraction that would end after a few good nights in our honeymoon but just got worse... She's like a drug, her body is already superb and then her personality makes her having a light that drowns me to her, she makes me believe that it's okay to show that I'm not a monster, she makes me want to show her how I really am aside of that monster that I let everyone presume, she makes me want to be the person I was before I got obsessed with power and revenge... She makes me see everything in other perspective, she makes me see everything with new eyes, she gives a simple thing a meaning. The worst of all this is that I can see that I'm getting more and more addicted to her and I can't stop nor want to.

"What's wrong?" Camille asked while giving me another bottle of bourbon.

"Nothing" I lied then I got a text from an unknown number.

'I am going to the mall with your sister. Bye Caroline.

Ps: I am just texting you because of the contract, I continue thinking that this is ridiculous because I'm a woman who knows very well how to take care of herself and we are in the 21st century, which means that women are now independent and don't need to give explanations to their husband. (Sorry but I had to make this mini-speech so you wouldn't think that I change my mind)'

For some weird reason, I smiled at reading her text because even by message, she can be this independent woman that makes speeches and defends what believes in.

Me: It wouldn't be my wife if there was no speech involved. But may I know what are you doing with my sister in the mall, love? Fondly, Klaus.

Caroline: Bekah wanted to have a girl day and nothing better then going shopping?

Me: If I knew you need something new, you wouldn't had to worry because I would buy.

Caroline: First: we already had this talk so imagine that I making the speech about how I am an independent woman that doesn't need to have some man (even if it's my husband) to have what I need or what I want. Actually I could make that speech right in this message but your sister is asking me to not use so much the phone and to see dresses, plus she's talking about what's been happening in New Orleans and also the story of your family. And second, you have to stop thinking that I am going to be the kind of wife that just stays around the the house talking with your maids while you are God knows where, doing God knows what and with God knows who.

Is she jealous? No. A woman like Caroline doesn't get jealous just like that... Maybe she was when saw Camille but maybe is because Cami is human and Caroline always had the dream of having a family and all that, and we all know it's not possible if you're a vampire.

Me: I love when you go all independent woman on me. But... What history of my family my sister is telling you.

Caroline: She's talking about how you were much easier to talk with when you were human... Btw, I think it's really sweet what you did to your sister in the night when you two were kids and Bekah was afraid of the thunders. I knew that you were much sweeter then you let people believe. :)

Me: Like I said before, I am not cute. And she wasn't supposed to tell you that.

Caroline: she says that we are family and because of that she's telling me many stories of the Mikaelson Family. But I better stop texting you before your sister starts to think that I don't care about what she is saying, I mean... She's the only girl friend I have in here.

Me: alright. Good luck with my sister and see you soon.

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