Visiting The Louvre Museum

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

After the breakfast, they went to the Louvre Museum, they really appreciate art but Caroline was the one who was more excited because she never had the chance of visiting the Louvre.

Caroline had a big smile on her face in the moment she start to see the exhibition and Klaus couldn't hide his smirk, he was really amused to see Caroline so excited.

"Did you know that this museum opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings?" She asked him excited to be there.

"I know, I was here." He said with a proud smirk, making her stop looking at the paintings and look at him in disbelief.

"No way. Seriously?" She asked still not believing what to think.

"I was. And do you know the museum was formed to confiscated paintings from the Royal family and the aristocrats that had run from the French Revolution?"

"If this is some kind of joke..." She started to say but I cut him off.

"I'm telling you the truth, love. The public had free access to the paintings only at weekend, so the others would be reserved for the artists's work and so they could study the maters." He informed her.

"How do you know all that? Were you on of the artists? Is one of your painting in here? If yes, what is your artist name? Did you knew Leonardo da Vinci?" She asked curious and excited, making Klaus smirk even more about how full of life that woman was and how excited she could be with things that most people don't care.

"I lived for more then thousand years old, it's normal that I know this kind of things, I was there to see it. And yes, I did meet Leonardo da Vinci, he was a great friend of mine actually." He said with a small smile because sometimes he missed his friend.

"I'm sorry." She said while holding his hand, making him speechless. "Let's go, I want to see every painting and sculpture that it is in here."

With that they start to walk around admiring the art and talking a little about the history of the museum or about the artist, but they never stop holding hands.

After their visit to the museum, they went to the Café de Flore, they talked about the art that they had seen and Niklaus told Caroline all about the history of the Louvre and some of the famous painters that he met in his days of studying art in France.

The day passed faster then they were expecting and without them realizing, it was already night, so they went to their presidential suite, where they had dinner.

Caroline's POV

We were seating down in the couch of the presidential suite and while I was seeing what channels the tv had, Klaus was making something in his notebook, I think he was drawing something.

"Why don't you show people your paintings?" I asked still confused.

"Because they are personal." He replied without looking away from his notebook.

"Then why don't you use an artistic name and make an exhibit of your paintings? It could be fun..."

"Would be everything but fun. Would be just people gathered in a place, talking bad about my work." He said now looking at me.

"How are you so sure that no one would like it?" I asked confused.

"Because my work can be dark sometimes and other times..." He start to say but stop himself and said "It doesn't matter. I do not wish to see my work criticized by people I barely know."

"You know the most incredible artists weren't appreciate in their time and many people criticized them and even laugh at them but now they are famous and are admired. Take Van Gogh as an example." I tried and he gave me a look.

"Are you trying to make me compare to a guy that had a bipolar disorder and schizophrenia?" He asked me.

"You miss the point. Many people said he couldn't do it and now he is famous for his art. I'm not saying that you won't be judge and that everyone will like your work but if you never try it, there's no way someone will like your work because you didn't give people a chance to see it." I tried again.

"Why are you so interested on my work, Caroline?" He asked.

"Because I can see from the way you talk that you really are passionate by art and that you love painting... And I have something that tells me that you are a great artist." I admitted.

"What about this, I show you a drawing and we will stop talking about this."

"For the rest of the night." I ended and I shook his head


"For the next two days."

"I won't hear a word about this for the next 2 years."

"For the rest of our honeymoon. Final offer." I said and after a couple seconds of debating himself he agreed making me smile excited, then he showed me the drawing he was making before we start this deal.

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