Go to a restaurant

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

"Do you have any plans to our honeymoon?" She asked curious and excited.

"I was thinking about tomorrow showing you around. Maybe the Cathedral, the Louvre Museum or the Arch of the Triumph." I suggested to see her reaction.

"Seriously? That's amazing!" She said and hugged me while thanking me and of course I hugged her back.

"You're welcome, love." I said with a smirk, once we broke the hug. "Now, get ready because I make us a reservation in a restaurant where I will show you some of the great food that Paris has to offer you."

Caroline's POV

"You didn't had to go to all the trouble for me."

"There was no trouble. But it will be if you won't get ready." He said trying to be with a serious face but only made me chuckle and he laugh with me.

I went to the bathroom and after changing to a dress and a jacket, I put some light makeup and then walked over to the bedroom, where I saw Klaus with a suit, he looked really handsome but I tried not to think about how perfect he looked.

"Are you ready, love?" He asked and I nodded with a small smile.

We went to the limo, that drive us to a really fancy hotel and when we got there, the waiter showed us our table with a beautiful view and then Klaus order without letting me see the menus.

"I can ask for myself, you know?" I asked.

"I know, love. But like I told you before, I'm going to show you the best of the cuisine of Paris." He told me.

"You don't have to do that. I don't want you to be bored while I'm seeing the Louvre." I said because I didn't wanted to be a bother to him.

"I'm not going to be bored, specially in the Louvre. I am quite found of art."

"Seriously?" I asked excited then asked curious "Are you just an appreciate of art or do you...?"

"I paint." He said while the waiter appeared with the plates.

"Thank you." I said to the waiter with a smile, he smiled back at me and then got back to do his work.

"Why did you thanked him? He was just doing his job." He said, almost seeming jealous.

Niklaus Mikaelson jealous of me talking with another man? Yeah, that is so true as Easter Bunny being real.

"Because thanking it's what nice people do. You might have heard of that somewhere in the middle of your existence. I mean, you have like a bazillion years old." I reply and rolled my eyes at the end.

"Ouch. You wound me, love. Do I look that old? I'm only a thousand years old, 1039 to be exact." He informed me.

"Yeah, that not old at all..." I said sarcastically and he gave me a look so I decided change the subject "How did come the big bad Hybrid decided to paint?"

"Well, love... I always loved art and I like painting since I remember, so I never make the decision of painting." He said and got back to eating.

"Why?" I asked still curious and he looked at me confused "Why did you always like to paint. You can be good in doing something and not liking to do it. Why do you like so much of painting and art?"

"You ask a lot of questions, love." He said while I eat my food, which was delicious.

"That's how you make a conversation." I said and he smirked to me.

"Alright then. I like to paint because when I paint, I organize my thoughts and I calm down but specially it's because it's a specie of therapy to me." He told me and I nodded with a smile.

"You know? Painting is like self-discovering, every good artist paints what it is..." I said and he just stayed looking at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's just... Usually people don't get what a painter truly does but you... Do you paint?" He asked curious.

"No. The best I can do near a thing that may be considered a painting is a stickman." I told him, making him chuckle, showing his cute dimples. Wait, what? Cute? Where did that came from?

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