Morning in Bed & in the Living Room

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I woke up with Caroline in my arms and still felt as good as the first times we slept together, just cuddling.

"Stop it. It's creepy." She said with her eyes closed.

"Or romantic...?" I asked her and she smiled then looked at me and kissed me.

"How are you feeling?" Caroline asked me with a concerned face.

"I'm without a scratch." I said with a smirk.

"Oh really? Let's change that, then..." She said and kissed me.

She got on top of me and pulled me closer to her by my neck, then took my t-shirt off and start kissing my 6 pack and then kissed my chest, and along with her sweet kisses, her hand traveled to my body. She was now kissing and sucking my neck, then she stop and let a trail from wet kisses to my lips.

"Stop teasing me, love." I groaned and she smiled.

I took my t-shirt, that she was using, making me see her with a black lingerie, making me crazy... All her body was perfection. I rolled us over so I would be on top and then kissed her passionately.

"I love your lingerie." I said making her smile.

"It is just for you." She said and I kissed her.

I love this woman so bloody much...


We were now in the living room, I was seated in an armchair, Caroline was on my lap, Elijah and Rebekah were in the couch reading, Elijah was reading Shakespeare and Rebekah was reading a magazine.

"Why don't you guys talk instead of just read like statues?" Caroline asked while I was kissing her neck.

Caroline's POV

"Reading is good for the mind, Caroline." Elijah said without taking his eyes of the book.

"That and we don't wish to watch our brother and my friend almost doing it." Rebekah said.

"We are not almost doing it." I said with a firm voice but ended in a weak voice because Klaus got in my sweet spot.

"I have to agree with my sister. The both of you, are enjoying a little more of each other then you should considering that you are in a room with more people beside you and my brother." Elijah said.

"Yeah, you two never heard of a room? Get gross in there, where there's no one to hear Caroline moaning and... I can't even say it, I'm already disgusting myself." Rebekah said.

"We are not that bad." I asked with a calm voice while feeling Klaus leaving a trail of kisses to my cheek.

"Yes, you are." Elijah and Rebekah said at the same time.

"Then go away." Klaus whispered and was about to kiss me but I didn't let him.

"Don't be like that to your siblings." I said and then added "They are your family and I'm sure they didn't intend to be as rude as they sound."

"I didn't intend to sound rude. My apologies if I sound rude." Elijah apologized and I smiled.

"Well, I meant every little word I said. You two seem like two bloody bunnies in the mating season. You two just can't stop be together and be gross."

"You are just like that because you are jealous that Caroline has such a handsome and awesome boyfriend as me and you have none." Klaus said and I gave him a look. "It's the truth."

"The truth is that you are a jerk." Rebekah said.

"Stop being like this. You two are brother and sister. Came on! He is the little boy who gave you a knight made of wood and gave it to you in the middle of a storm night and stayed with you, calming you down. Not even my father was that nice to me." I said.

"I guess you're right

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"I guess you're right. Sorry Nik. You are just a jerk when you want it." Rebekah said making me smile then I looked at Klaus an she didn't said a thing.

"There's nothing you would like to say?"

"Yes." He said then looked at Bekah and said "Apologies accepted sister."

"Klaus." I said with a angry look.

"Fine. I guess I'm sorry to say that you were jealous, I'm sure you will find a some guy that's enough for you." He said.

"Thanks Nik." Rebekah said and I kissed Klaus's cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered to his ear because for some reason was important to me to see him having a good relationship with his siblings.

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