Caroline Sneaks Out

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I could hear from the room Klaus fighting with Damon and his siblings trying to calm him down.

Why didn't I let my mouth shut? Klaus will probably look at me now like a little girl that doesn't know how to defend herself.

I had to get the hell away from this place. I had to be alone, so I leave a note in Klaus's nightstand and sneak out, by jumping from the window, then vamp speed to the woods.

Klaus's POV

"I think that it's best that you all go and come back when everyone's more calmed down." Elijah said with his calmed voice.

"Or you all can go and never come back again." I snapped at them.

"Specially you Damon." Rebekah snapped at him.

"Just go and then I give you a call when everyone's more calmed down. Right now, everyone is still upset about what happened. Just go for now." Elijah said all polite, like if they actually deserved that.

"He is right, let's go. We talk with Care tomorrow." Bonnie said and then they all left.

"Did you had to be so nice with them? They come here and just judge Caroline and Damon"

"I know very well what Damon did, but we should do our best to avoid more enemies." Elijah said.

"Too late. After we solve who's been threatening us, I will make sure Damon won't ever hurt Caroline again." I said angry and then left to my room to see how was Caroline but she wasn't there, instead it was a note in my nightstand.

'I couldn't stay in here anymore. I didn't leave New Orleans, but I needed to get out of here for awhile. I hope you understand. Don't come looking for me, I need to be alone for awhile. I'm sorry for what my friends said about you, I know you are not that monster that everyone thinks you are.'

I can't believe she left. I need to find her, even if she says that she wants to be alone. She barely knows New Orleans and she can be in danger.

I went to the woods because was one of the few places that we could have some quiet. I start to walk and heard someone crying, I went over to the sound and saw Caroline seating down, with her knees covering her face while she cried.


"I told you I wanted to be alone." She said with her head still covered in her knees.

"Please come home." I said while seating next to her.

"I can't." She said still not looking up.

"Please, love. They won't be back until you are ready."

"Why are you here?" She asked me.

"Because I was concerned about you."

"You mean, because you realized that I can't take care of myself like you thought." She said.

"Of course not. I was concerned about you because that guy hurt you and because I love you." I said and she finally look at me with her big eyes that were red from crying.

"How can you love me? I'm weak and"

"You are not weak." He cut me off, then added. "You are so strong, stronger then you think, love. You decided to move on and not be those girls who stop living after something as awful as what Damon did to you happened. You are even more strong then I thought when I met you."

"I never move on, or else I wouldn't still thought about what he did to me." She said.

"You moved on. But this kind of things won't just disappear of your mind because it's part of who you are. The bad and good things that happen to us make us be who we are and even if I hate just the thought of you getting hurt, I'm glad that whatever you have been through made you turn into this woman that you are. You could hold resentment and be a person that doesn't trust others or that just wants revenge, but instead you hold on to a light that you have. And that light was the thing that drown me to you. I never thought that I could love someone as much as I love you but I do, I love you Caroline." I said and she kissed me passionately.

"I love you too Niklaus Mikaelson." She said when broke the kiss and then I took her to the Quarter.

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