Go to Paris

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I was the first one to wake up and realized that in the middle of the night Caroline cuddle me, she had her arms around me, her head was resting in my chest and our legs around mines.

I couldn't help but smile at the feeling of having this woman in my arms. I don't know what is about this woman but there's something about her that just makes me want to be around her.

I looked at the clock and saw it was almost 10am, which meant that it was almost time to prepare to go to my private jet.

"Caroline..." I called her trying to wake her up.

"Shhh... Just one more minute." Caroline said with a sleepy voice while holding me tighter.

"Love, we have to go. You can sleep in the jet." I said making her opened her eyes and when realized she was cuddling, she let me go and make some distance between us.

"Okay..." She said and walked over to the bathroom, then I realized something, I looked under the sheet and cursed myself.

"Calm down, soldier." I said to myself, trying to make stop the boner.

How did this happened? I never got a boner just because a woman was in my arms... What is she doing to me?

When Caroline got out of the shower, I went to the bathroom and quickly prepared myself, after shower and putting some casual clothes, I went with Caroline to my private jet.

"Wow! This is amazing!" She said when we walk into my private jet.

"Thank you." I said with a smirk while she seat next to me.

"I'm sorry... I was sleeping and apparently I start to"

"No need to apologize. You were unconscious. Your mind probably thought I was somebody else. Your crush maybe." I said trying to see if she likes someone or not.

"I have no crush or boyfriend if is that what you thinking. I don't even know why I cuddle in the middle of my sleep. I just wanted to apologize because it was probably uncomfortable to you." She said and j just nodded because the truth was that I didn't felt uncomfortable.

*a few hours later*

"We are here!" I said and Caroline smiled with her eyes sparkling of excitement.

I helped her walking down the stairs of my private jet by holding her hand, then I went with her to my limo.

"Why the limo?" She whispered to my ear.

"It's our honeymoon, love. We deserve the best of the best." I said with a smirk and she gave me a confused face.

"There's eyes everywhere. Everyone knows who I am." I whispered to her ear so just her could hear me, she nodded and start playing with her daylight ring.

"We are here, Mr. Mikaelson." My minion said and then opened the door for us.

We went to the 5 star hotel I picked for us and walked over to the receptionist, I told her about my reservation of a suite that I made and she quickly gave Caroline the key/card to our bedroom.

Caroline stopped once opened the door, to admire the presidential suite that I booked for us and I stayed next to her, admiring her excitement and her beauty.

"Oh My God!" She said while walking over to the window. "The view it's so beautiful."

"In deed, it is." I said while admiring her and when she looked at me and realized I wasn't talk about the view of the room, she gave me a shy smile.

"You didn't had to go to the trouble of making a reservation to someplace as amazing as this."

"We deserve the best." I said and she shook her head with a smile and then looked back at the window, admiring the view of the Eiffel Tower.

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