Enjoying The Honeymoon

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

After their moment in the garden, they decided to go to the presidential suite and talk about what has been happening this last few days.

They both didn't know what they should say and were afraid of being rejected or to turn what they had in a awkward relationship. They were now in their presidential suite.

"I think we can't deny that we feel attracted to each other." He said after a few minutes of silence, and she just nodded without knowing what to say.

"This is supposed to be our honeymoon, so... What do you think about we enjoy as much as possible our honeymoon and give in to the temptation...?" He said while wrapping his arms around Caroline, making her heart beating faster then usual and looked at his lips with so much desire that made Niklaus smirk and she kissed him.

"And what about when...?" She asked when broke the kiss had to ask because she had to know what was going to happen in the future.

"When we get back we going back to normal but now... Let's enjoy our honeymoon and forget about the future." He said and she kissed him desire and passion.

Klaus's POV

No one ever kissed me like she does, no one made me feel like she does... All I wanted right now was kissing her and pleasure her.

She broke the kiss to catch her breath and smiled while resting her forehead in mine, making me smirk. I pushed her to the wall and kissed her with passion, hunger and lust, then I let a trail of wet kisses to her neck.

"Klaus..." She moaned making me smirk, then turned us around so I would be on the wall and kissed me with desire.

I rip her dress off and admired her body, her body was flawless, she was the most beautiful woman I ever saw in my life. She giggled when noticed me admiring her body, then kissed me while smiling, making me smirk.

"You're so damn beautiful, love." I said making her blush.

I took her to bed and let a trail of kisses to her breast and then to her belly, making her moan my name then I kissed her again and she rip my t-shirt, making me smirk.

She rolled us over and kissed me, then let a trail of kisses to my neck, making me moan and then traveled his lips to my 6 pack and lick it.

"Caroline..." I moaned and she kissed me while smiling.

I rolled us over again while kissing her and then kissed and suck her neck, making her moan my name.

"I want you, Caroline." I whispered to her ear and then kissed me while taking my pants.

"I need to feel you, NOW!" Caroline said in almost a whisper and rolled us over, took my boxers and made me experience the most amazing and blow-minding sex that I ever did.

*After a few rounds*

She was resting her head in my chest, still trying to catch her breath while I stroke her hair and enjoying the feeling of being like this with Caroline.

"Did you like it?" She asked while drawing small invisible circles in my chest and I made her look at me while holding her chin.

"Did I like it? It was amazing, fantastic, extraordinary..." I said making her blushed again then I found myself asking. "Didn't you like it?"

"No... It was really really good but... You have more..."

"You were perfect, love." I said and kissed her.

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