Marcel's Party

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

Elijah and I was waiting for Caroline and my sister to come downstairs so we could go to Marcel's party. When Caroline come to the living room with her red dress, I couldn't stop myself from looking at her with admiration, she looked stunning...

"Let's go?" Caroline asked making me get out of my trance.

"Sure, love. Let's go." I said.

We went to Marcel's mansion, where he was having a party, and when we were about to go in, I realized that Caroline wasn't invited to come in.

"Klaus! How are you?" Marcel asked with a smirk while walking over to us. "Caroline. It's so nice to see you again."

"I'm fine. However, we have a situation... Caroline can't come in." I told him and he nodded then called Luke who invited Caroline in and with that, we were all able to enjoy the party.

"What does the Queen think about my party?" Marcel asked Caroline while smirking.

"It's nice..." Caroline said making me smirk.

"Nice? This is the party of the century and you calling it nice?" Marcel asked with indignation because usually everyone, specially women, always compliment his parties.

"Well, you clearly never went to one of my parties. They make your party seeming like a birthday party for a 5 year old." She said and I had to contain myself to not laugh.

"I'm not going to stay here discussing with you about this." Marcel said and left.

"Did you really had a thing for this guy?" Caroline asked my sister.

"Oh, yes... She thought he was the love of her life." I said with a smirk.

"Seriously? No offense but I don't see why. I mean, he is cute and all but aside that... He's just some guy who has a really big ego." Caroline said.

"Yeah... I was blind with love." Rebekah said and Caroline nodded.

"Enough about sadness. I'm going to get a drink." She said and I went with her taking a cup of champagne so she wouldn't drink alone.

"You look ravishing in that dress, love." I said with a smirk.

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." She said making me smirk even more.

"Is that a compliment that I am hearing?" I asked her with a really big smirk because until now she never said a good thing about me.

"Don't get over yourself." She said.

"Would you care to dance?" I asked her and she smiled then I took her to the dance floor.

It was a slow, so I took her hand, making our fingers connect and rest my other hand in her lower back while pulling her close to me, she rest her hand in my shoulder and we start to dance. I didn't know what was happening to me, but right now all I could do was focusing on Caroline, which is odd because I barely know her.

"You should go say hi to the girl who is talking with Marcel." Caroline said from nowhere.

"Why?" I asked when I realized she was referring to Kaitlin, my ex-lover and now she's trying to be my friend.

"She doesn't staring at us... And she seems like she wants to eat me alive." I smirked when I heard her observation.

"She probably wants." I said.

"Why? I don't know her." She said confused.

"She's my ex." I informed her.

"She's quite pretty..."

"Nothing compared to you, love." I said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"Everyone, if you may give me your attention... Thank you. I am going to be honest, I had a motive behind this party." Marcel said interrupting our conversation to pay attention on what he was saying. "Klaus, is now officially married with Caroline Forbes, Queen of Mystic Falls. And I would like to honor their commitment with a party like this."

With that everyone looked at me and Caroline then start to yell KISS, and I didn't know what to do because I didn't know if she was okay with it, and like if she read my mind, she kissed me, at first it was a quick kiss but then start to get deeper, making me forget for awhile what was around us. Caroline broke the kiss to catch her breath and blushed a little, making me smirk.

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