Arguing with Caroline's Friends

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

Caroline was on my lap and playing with my fingers, when her friends appeared.

"Care?" They said.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you are all really here." Caroline said getting out of my lap and running over them, hugged them and then added "I missed you all so much."

"We missed you too, darling." The British vampire said making me give him a death glare.

"You guys didn't have to come. It's probably really dangerous and..."

"Care, we wouldn't let you stay alone in a moment like this." Stefan said and in that moment I got up and walked over Caroline.

"She is not alone." I said and wrapped my arm around her waist. "She has me."

"You don't care about her. You two are only married because was the only way she found to avoid war. Do you really think she would marry you for the usual reasons? I know her and a girl like her would never fall for a guy like you." The wolf said and I couldn't help get tense.

"Actually, I truly love Klaus." Caroline said and gave me a small and honest smile.

"What?!" They all asked with the exception of Bonnie.

"You guys heard me. I love Klaus and I would really like if you would support our relationship."

"Well, if you won't, you have the option of just being shut up or get the bloody hell away from here." I said angry of the way they looked at me judging and their reaction when Caroline told them that she loved me.

"Klaus." She said giving me a look but this time I wasn't going to give up.

"What? I am not going to let people barge into my home and start to mess what I have with you and start judging our relationship. I don't tolerate people who judge every single thing without truly knowing them." I said.

"For some reason you are all defensive. Maybe you know that whatever you have with Caroline is never going to work and that she will see that she make a mistake seeing something in you." The wolf said and I wanted now to rip his heart out.

"Stop talking like if I wasn't here. Tyler, I didn't make any mistake and I would like if you would stop being a jerk. Just respect my relationship with Klaus even if you don't like it. I love him and he loves me. Isn't that enough?" Caroline said a little frustrated.

"Caroline, this guy killed thousands of people and sacrifice people just to be an hybrid." The doppelgänger said.

"Elena you are the last person who can have a saying in who I should or shouldn't date." Caroline said now angry, then added "You are dating Damon, he killed people for revenge, just for being bored and in case you don't remember he was the one who used me, who drink from me and compelled me to be his girlfriend, sex included. I lost my virginity to him because he compelled me to it. He made me think that I wanted to have sex with him and that I truly liked him. I was his sex-play thingy and now he is your boyfriend but instead of judging you for dating him, I support you because I saw that he actually made you happy. Can't you do the same for me?" Caroline asked with tears in her eyes then vamp speed to the room and we only heard the noise of the door  closed with force.

I quickly grabbed Damon by his throat and make him be without a breath.

"Tell me one good reason for not killing you in this right moment." I said wanting to kill him in the most painful way possible.

"Niklaus." Elijah said behind me.

"Not time to be polite brother." I said without stop looking at Damon being breathless.

"Caroline would hate you if you would hurt me. I'm the boyfriend of her best friend." Damon said with a weak voice and I slowly let him go.

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