Shoping with Bekah

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Caroline's POV

"Caroline! Can you put that bloody phone down? I'm talking with you. I though we were friends." Rebekah said and with that I ended my conversation with Klaus.

"Sorry. You're completely right. From now on, no more phone distractions." I said.

"Talking about phone distractions... Who was texting with you."

"Klaus..." I said almost in a whisper because for some reason I feel embarrassed.

"My brother, Klaus?" She asked almost perplexed and I just nodded. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. We just agreed that I would tell him where I was in case of something would went wrong, he would knew where I was..." I said and she gave me a look, so I added "It's just because I'm new in New Orleans and he has a lot of enemies."

"Is my brother... Worried about you?" She asked with a smirk.

"What? No! He is just concerned that people will use me to hurt him or that I give information to others about him..." I lied then added "Your brother sure is a suspicious man."

"You can bet on that..." Rebekah said "However, with you is different. He doesn't seem to have suspicious about you. He acts like you are practically family and that's not very usual from Nik."

"I think he is just trying to have a civil relationship with me because I am his wife."

"Maybe... Or maybe he has feelings for you."

"Klaus doesn't have any kind of feelings for me. He is the Big Bad Hybrid, he would never look at me like that..." I said and Rebekah looked at me like if she was trying to solve a puzzle.

"And you would want my brother to look at you like that?" Rebekah asked with a smirk.

"What?! No! Our relationship is only professional." I lied again.

"Alright. If you say so... But I think it would be nice Nik being with you in a serious relationship, he wouldn't be all over me and would me more happy. Believe me, when Nik is happy, everyone is happy." Rebekah said making me smile.

*After hours of shopping*

"Finally, we are back in The Quarter..." I said once we got into the Quarter and one of Rebekah's minions, was taking all the bags that Bekah bought, or better... compelled, she has this notion that buying new stuff is the same as compelling people to give you new stuff.

"What took you two so long?" Klaus asked us then looked at me and asked "And why when I texted you, you didn't replied? What the bloody hell were you thinking? I thought that someone kidnapped you or something worse..."

"I know, I saw your texts and I'm sorry but every time that I was a bout to answer you, Rebekah start to have a speech about how we went to the mall to bond and how I had promised no distractions... I'm sorry, I didn't intend to worry you." I said and Klaus looked at Rebekah who nodded.

"Sorry, Nik. I didn't knew it was you all those times that her phone was buzzing. I thought that sometimes was you and other times was some friend of Caroline..." Rebekah said and then gave an excuse to get out.

"Caroline, let's go to my office. We have to talk..." Klaus said and I just followed him to his office, then he closed the door so we could be alone without anyone eavesdropping to our conversation.

"I already said that I'm sorry to get you worried but..."

"You don't understand that something seriously bad could have happen to you? Can't you see that you have more enemies then ever, now that you are my wife? You have more danger around you than you can possible imagine and..." He said all mad at me but then said in almost a whisper like if it was a huge secret. "I need you to be careful."

"I'm sorry. I'll keep that in mind and make sure you know that I'm okay." I said feeling now guilty for making Klaus that worried about me.

"Promise me." He said while cupping my cheeks, making me look at his beautiful deep blue eyes.

"I promise." I said and then he kissed my forehead, making me smile a little.

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