Staying in the Bedroom with Klaus

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I was kissing Caroline and slowly, took her to the bed and stay on the top, but then she stopped kissing me and rolled us to be on top then gave me a quick kiss and then lay down next to me.

"Now, try to rest..." She said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes. For how much I was enjoying what we were doing, I won't do it because you need to rest. You are still really hurt."

"I'm the Original Hybrid, I..."

"Or you rest or you can forget about having fun in the next days." She said.

Usually, if someone talked to me like that I would kill them, but with Caroline it was different. I actually... liked it? I never thought that I would enjoy someone talking to me like she did. I was used to feel that people thought they were better then me when they tried to give me orders but with her... she was completely different, I saw that she talk to me like that because she isn't afraid of me, because she cares about me.

"But after I get my rest..."

"I will make it up for you." She said with her bright smile. "Now, stay here and I am going to bring some food and blood to make you feel better."

"Don't go." I whispered when she got up, she looked at me with a small smile and seat on the bed, next to me and kissed me softly.

"I won't take long and when I get back, I won't get out of here until tomorrow." She said and I cursed myself for seeming so needy.

Caroline's POV

I walked over to the kitchen and took some blood bags, some chips and some coke.

I quickly got back to the bedroom and once I got there, I put the things in the end of the bed and lay down next to Klaus.

"Now you have me all by yourself." I said with a smile.

"Thank you for being here."

"You don't need to thank me, I am here because I want to. I want to be by your side in every moment, in the good and in the bad." I said then added "I'm not going to leave you if is that what you expect."

"I know that our marriage was something that was meant to be just for paper and to avoid war, but this no longer is a fake marriage. You are what I want, I love you." He said and I kissed him.

"You're making really hard for me to let you rest."

"Then don't." He said with a smirk, showing his adorable dimples.

"No. I'm not going to do anything that will make you..."

"I can take it." He said with a smirk.

"Can't we just cuddle?" I asked him and he nodded.

I kissed him softly and then I rest my head in his chest. I liked to be just like that with him, it felt so good that I just wished to be like that forever.

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