Knowing the Gender

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No One's POV

Caroline and Klaus just stayed a couple of days in Mystic Falls because Caroline just needed to talk to her mother and bring some stuff from her family that were passed from generation to generation.

Now they were back in New Orleans and after 18 weeks they found out the gender of the baby, they couldn't be happier and more excited. They both were afraid of messing up to be a parent but they had each other's back and they knew that they could count on one another.

Now that they knew what gender the baby was it, they decided to make a party with people from New Orleans, the Bayou and Mystic Falls, where they would announce the pregnancy and the gender of the baby.

Klaus's POV

I was really excited for tonight finally tell everyone that I am going to be a parent along with the love of my life.

"Klaus?" Luke called me, making me turn to see him, because I was telling one of my minions to be a body guard along with another guy.

"You can go now." I said to my minion and then looked at Luke. "Hello!"

"Hey! What's going to happen tonight? Why is Caroline running around telling everyone what to do?" Luke asked.

"Tonight we will throw a party. We found out a few days ago the gender of the baby and we want to tell everyone what's the gender."

"Oh, I see..." Luke said and almost seemed sad.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just... nothing."

"Luke, we already had this conversation. I do not like when people lie to me and you can talk to me about anything."

"Don't take me wrong. I'm really happy for you and Caroline but lately I had been feeling a little... outsider."

"Luke..." I said disappointed at myself for not realizing that he had been feeling like this sooner. "It's a fact that Caroline and I have been more busy than usual with all the baby stuff but you never left our minds. Whenever you feel a little outsider, just come to us. You are part of this family. We love you, Luke."

"I love you too." He said and hugged me tightly, then we heard a sound, making us see Caroline smiling at the phone.

"I already save the picture." She said with her bright smile then added "Now what my favorite men were here talking? If I may know, of course..."

"Just making sure Luke knows that he is already a Mikaelson."

"You bet you are, sweetie. It might be a crazy family but you're stuck with us." Caroline said and Luke smiled.

"Thank you, not just for saying that but because you had been like the father and mother I always dreamed to have."

"Oh, honey..." Caroline said with tears and hugged him then added when broke the hug "Great! Now I'm all hormonal girl."

"We love you anyways." I said, making her smile and we kissed.

"Eww! I don't want to see that." Luke said making me and Caroline chuckle.

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