Going Shopping

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Niklaus Mikaelson is impossible! Who does he think I am? I'm not a hoe that it's going to do whatever he wants and accept everything he orders just because he gives me stuff.

"This is my favorite store!" Rebekah told me and I gave her a smile, then she took me to the section where was all the dresses.

"Is your brother used to just buy stuff to girls to agree with him on everything?" I had to ask to someone and right now, she was the person that I felt more comfortable to talk with.

"Why are you asking me that?" Rebekah asked never taking her eyes of the dresses.

"I don't want to sound ungrateful but when I saw my closet filled with new clothes and your brother told me that he bought them to me and then again today I told him that I was going shopping to get clothes and he was all 'You already have many clothes on your closet.' So I told him that those weren't my clothes and that I'm the one that buy my own clothes."


"What? Was I too harsh on him? I know that we barely know each other, but I don't like when people assume that I am hoe that can be bought with some expensive clothes." I said.

"I understand. I'm just surprised that my brother still is being... How do I say? Civil with you. Usually when someone talks like that with him, you would be dead or worst..." She told me.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"That you have to be careful. He doesn't like when people argue with him or..."

"I'm not going to stop saying what I think just because he thinks he can rule everyone." I told her. "What does your brother think? That he can make every woman do whatever he wants by just giving them a smirk or a few gifts?"

"I stop knowing what my brother thinks a long time ago. Just try to not piss off my brother because only when he is happy, everyone is happy and when he is not happy, then no one is happy." She said.

"I'll try to not be so harsh but I won't stop giving my opinions. It's been a long time since women couldn't express how they felt or give their opinions." I said and then I got back to the dresses.

"You are a woman of speeches, aren't you?" Klaus asked appearing from nowhere.

"Your parents never told you that it's rude listening to other's conversations?" I asked pissed off at him.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing here?" Rebekah asked him.

"I was just making sure my wife was alright."

"Wait. Are you going to spy on me? Seriously? What did I do to not deserve a little trust from your side? I am not spying on you or asking you satisfactions in anything..." I told him in disbelief.

"How do I know you are worthy of my trust?" He asked.

"I married you to avoid war and to make sure that my people would be in safety. In here the one who should be suspicious would be me because of all the awful things I heard about you but I decided to give you a chance because I didn't met you in person, but if you want to start like this fine. I thought we could at least try to have a civil relationship, but apparently we are just two allies that are suspicious of each other..." I said upset and start to walk to somewhere else because right now I didn't want to see or talk to him anymore.

"I'm sorry, love." Klaus said after appearing again from nowhere. "What about starting over? With all that trusting thing..."

"Alright. We will start over." I said with a smile and he smirk making me roll my eyes.

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