Going to the doctor

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Today's was the day that I was going to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy and to know if it's everything alright with my baby.

I was now in the waiting room with Klaus and I noticed that he was really nervous. I think he was even more nervous than me.

"Nik, everything will be fine." I said making him look at me.

"I know." He said but was more to try to convince himself, so I hold his hand and squeeze it to make him see that there's no need to worry.

"Mr. And Mrs. Mikaelson" The woman at the reception called us and when we got up, she indicated the place to go.

I knocked at the door, making the doctor look at us and invite us to come in.

"Good morning! How are you?"

"Good morning! We are fine, just a little nervous." I said for the two of us and then we seat in the chairs.

"Oh, that's completely normal. If you weren't it would be weird. Now, let's go see how is the baby." The doctor said and made me lay down then put something on my belly so he could see or hear the baby.

Then he turns the tv and I start to hear the beating of my baby, making me cry a little bit. I quickly clean them but Klaus noticed and squeeze my hand in comfort.

"Your baby is healthy and for his heart I can see that he or her could be an athlete." The doctor said.

"Can't we know the gender?"

"No, it's still too early." The doctor said and then showed us our baby that it was from the size of a been or something like that, then the doctor clean my belly, to take that thing that he put it in so we could hear and see the baby.

"I guess congratulations are in order." The doctor said.

"Thank you." Klaus and I said at the same time.

"Caroline, now that you are pregnant, you need to be more careful then usual and try to not exhaust yourself. And because of this pregnancy, you have to drink more quantities of blood for you and you need to eat human food for the baby, because there's a possibility that the baby will be a werewolf, but he also can be a hybrid." The doctor said and I nodded.

"I'll do everything in order to make sure that my baby is going to born healthy." I said.

"There is any kind of diet that she should do?" Klaus asked.

"Yes, here's the list. If something happens call me, but if everything will be just fine, we will see in a month." The doctor said and after we thanked him, he went to the car.

"Can we go eat some ice cream?" I asked.

"It's the list saying something against ice creams?" He asked me.

"No. Pregnant women can eat ice cream, they just can't abuse." I said and he nodded.

"Okay. I guess we are going to eat ice cream."

"Awesome! You're the best husband and daddy in the world." I said making him smirk and then I kissed his cheek.

"I'm only the best because I have with me the best woman in the world that is the best wife that ever existed and will be the best mother of all times." He said making me blush.

After I eat my chocolate ice cream, we went to the Quarter, where Elijah and Rebekah were waiting for us.

"Thank God! You're here! What did the doctor said? Am I going to be a aunt? Am I going to have a niece or a nephew?" Rebekah asked excited.

"Sorry for taking so long. My wife wanted ice cream." Klaus said making me give him a look.

"It's still too soon to know if it's a boy or a girl, but this baby is healthy and that's all it matters." I told them and Rebekah quickly hugged me tightly in excitement.

"I had an idea. If it will be a girl it would be Rebekah, like her favorite aunt." She said making me laugh.

"I don't know about that but it will be on the list on names."

"Like Niklaus junior." Nik said making me look at him.


"Came on! Just think about a beautiful little boy named Klaus Junior." Klaus said making me look at him in disbelief.

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