Tell the Big News to Luke & Elijah

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AN: Klaroline is the new version of "The Beauty & The Beast"(This was nothing to do with the story but I loved it)

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AN: Klaroline is the new version of "The Beauty & The Beast"
(This was nothing to do with the story but I loved it)

Klaus's POV

"Wait." I said broking the kiss and see a smiling Caroline, but I was now with a serious face. "Have you been to a doctor? What if the test was wrong? How is possible you're being pregnant?"

"I pee in 5 sticks to make sure the results were correct. Bekah was the one who went with me to the pharmacy and when we saw the positives in the sticks I asked her if she knew why and she made me see that even if I was part vampire, I was also part wolf because of the spell and because we are both part wolves we can procreate, even if it's rare... But I still didn't see a doctor, I decided to talk to you first."

"We need to go to the doctor, we need to be sure that you and our baby is okay. I will call the best doctor to make sure you and our baby is in safe hands. Do you think we can know if it's a boy or a girl?" I asked excited and nervous at the same time because now I was going to be a father and for how much exciting that sounded, it also was scaring me because I was afraid of being a horrible father like Mikael was to me.

"I don't think we can know the gender of the baby yet." Caroline said giggling then kissed me and said "Everything will be alright."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I believe that no matter what, we will be there for each other. I love you Niklaus Mikaelson."

"I love you more."

"Not possible" she said making me smirk even more and we kissed passionately.

No One's POV

After celebrating the fact that they were going to be parents, Caroline and Klaus decided to go talk first with Luke and show him that even that Caroline was pregnant, they will always be there for him and he was still in their family.

Caroline and Klaus walked over to Luke's room and the door was opened, making them see the little boy making some drawing in a sketchbook, to make him notice that they were there, Caroline knocked on the door.

"Oh... Hey!" Luke said and hide the sketchbook in the drawer.

"Hello! What were you doing?" Caroline asked to make him a little more comfortable and make some small talk before telling the big news.

"Nothing special. Just... it's stupid." He said to himself.

Caroline's POV

"I'm sure it wasn't." Klaus said and I hold his hand because he is really cute when talks to Luke, showing his caring side and making me see that I couldn't chosen a better man to be the father of my baby.

"I was drawing. It's just a hobby and I know that it's just a waste of time because there's no way that I would be a painter." He said.

"Don't say that. You shouldn't doubt of yourself. You might be better then you think." Klaus said and I smiled.

"I'm going to tell you a secret, Luke. My husband also paints." I whispered loud.

"Really?" Luke asked looking at Klaus.

"Yes, he is really good. But just like you he doesn't want to share his art and I already tried to make him do an exposition but he is stubborn."

"Wow! Why don't you show people your art?" Luke asked Klaus.

"Because I'm a little afraid of what others might think." Klaus said with a sad face.

"I'm sure it isn't that bad. And Caroline says that you are good, so..."

"What about you show me one of your drawings and I show you one of mine?" Klaus asked.

"Alright, but can it be later. It's just it's not finished and..."

"I get it."

"Look at this, my two artists finally wanting to show to someone they art. I'm so proud!" I said and start to cry a little bit because of the hormones.

"Why are you crying? Please, don't cry." Luke said with a concerned face and Klaus hugged me.

"It's just of happiness." I said cleaning the tears then added "We have some news and we wanted you to be the first one to know."

"What is it?" He asked curious.

"Well... what would you think of having a baby brother or a baby sister."

"Are you going to have a baby?!" He asked excited and we nodded "That's awesome!"

And with that we all had a group hug and after we made sure that Luke was okay with it, we talked with Elijah and told him the big news.

AN: Do you want a baby boy or a baby girl? Do you want both? Do you want twins? Do you want triplets? Tell me ;)

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