The Wedding + Caroline's Vow

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

It's finally the day I have been waiting for so long, today is the day of my second marriage with Nik.

I was really excited but also a little nervous because I didn't want to anything went in the wrong way. Suddenly someone knocked on the door, making me turn and I saw Rebekah.

"Oh dear God! You look beautiful! Nik won't be able to take his eyes off of you." She said making me blush.

"How is Nik?"

"He is literally counting how longer does he have to wait to see you." She said making me smile.

"I can't believe this day is actually coming true. I'm so happy, Bekah! And I might not say this too often but I'm really glad to have you in my life. You become like a real sister to me." I said and we hugged. "Oh God! I'm about to cry and my makeup is perfect. Please say something to make me stop."

"I had a sex dream with the president."

"Really?" I asked and automatically stop crying.

"No, but it help you stop crying." She said and I smiled.

Rebekah walked away to make the guy start to play the piano and got on her position of bridesmaid, then I start to walk over to the place where everyone was reunited and all I could see was Nik in the altar, with a big smirk, showing his adorable dimples and looking at me like no one ever did before.

Once I got to the altar I smiled to him and hold his hand tightly to make sure this was real and not just a dream.

"Hello everyone! We are gather here to day to witness the vows that this two people who love each other are about to make and their commitment they want to have with one another." The priest said to everyone when they seat down, then looked at us and said "You may say your vows."

"Okay." I said a little nervous and then looked at Nik. "Nik, I love you. I know that we didn't start how we should but I'm glad that it happened that way because it was the way that made is be together in the end. Nik, you are the best thing that ever happen to me along with Luke and Moira. You know how people say that they fell in love with a person and from that day they loved them? Well, with me is a little different because you make me fall for you every day. You make me laugh like no one ever did, you give me support when I'm about to give up on myself and you made me see that you are here for me no matter what it comes and I don't know how to thank you, so I will just keep loving you as much as I can for the rest of my life and promise to be always by your side, specially when things get hard for you and you need help. I love you with all my heart and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you by my side."

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