Written Contract

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I woke up first and instead of getting ready to breakfast, I decided to stay in bed with Caroline next to me for a little while and when I start to feel her waking up, I decided to go to the bathroom and get ready so she wouldn't think that I'm starting to have any kind of affection for her because that would be crazy and would ruin everything.

No One's POV

After the breakfast, Niklaus and Caroline went to his office to talk privately about the agreement. Before meting Caroline, Niklaus thought that a verbal contract would be enough to but he quickly change his mind about it and decided that a written contract was better. She didn't seem that she would do something to prejudice him, that wasn't what worried him. He was worried about himself, he felt that something change when they met, he didn't seem so angry anymore and he found himself thinking about her and this written contract would made him control himself and not forget that she was only there for avoiding war and nothing else.

"Why are we signing a contract? I thought what we did was a verbal contract... I didn't know it had to be written." She said confused.

"It's more safe to have a written contract." He said to avoid further questions about the sudden wish of making a written contract.

"Are you afraid that I will fool the powerful Niklaus Mikaelson?" She mocked him.

"Do not make any kind of jokes about the contract and no. Do not think that just because we are allies, I can be fool easily." He said to only show his cold side.

"Are you always so suspicious of everyone and everything?" She asked annoyed at his behavior.

"Are you going to keep answer with question?" He asked also annoyed.

"Whatever. Let me see this contract." Caroline said giving up the argue because she knew if she kept going, it wouldn't end in anywhere.

After reading the contract with full attention, she looked at Klaus and he tried to figured out what was she feeling about the contract or what she thought about it.

"I have some questions." She said after a moment of silence and he just nodded "Why do I have to tell you about everywhere I go? Why can't I have a serious relationship without you knowing who the guy is? Why can't I be with anyone for two years? Why do I have to tell you with whom I'm going to have sex with?"

"I need to know where you are because now that you're my wife, people may want to use you to get to me. The relationships part is because I don't want you to get along with my enemies or even have sex with them. You can't be with anyone for two years because it's the honeymoon phase of a married couple." He lied.

The fact that he wanted to know her every move is that he wanted her safe and the part of relationships was because he needed to make sure that she wouldn't end up with a guy that wouldn't deserved her and at least he would get a little time until figured out what was with him before seeing her with some random guy. He hated to admit to himself and most of the time deny it but the truth is that Klaus cared about Caroline more then he should.

"Alright. But you have to do the same I have to... It's only fair." She said, making him smirk, then they both signed the contract.

"I better go. I haven't talk with my friends since the wedding and I promised keep them up about how everything is in New Orleans." She told him and when was about to opened the door, she stopped and looked at her so called husband.

"Being nice is not a bad thing, Klaus." She told him because she prefer when Klaus is being himself instead of the monster that he is so used to be called and be the person people expect him to be.

"I know that you think that true love exists and everyone that is good has a happy ending but it's not how it works in the real world, just in fiction." He said harshly.

"I refuse to believe there is no such thing as happy endings or true love. Love can hurt us, but it's also the feeling that make us glad to be alive. Love is what makes us stand up when we fall and fight. Love is the most powerful emotion and you can use as a weapon or as a strength. If there's no such thing as true love then what's the point?"

"Love is a vampire's greatest weakness." He said not just to make her know about how he felt but also to remind himself of what he always said before meting her.

"When it's not reciprocated then it may become a weakness but when the person who we love, love us back, then it give us strength to keep going. But if you don't believe that 2 people can't fell madly in love and love each other forever, then fine. But can you honestly tell me that you don't believe in love towards family and friends? Can you honestly tell me that the love towards your sister makes you weak?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Any type of love make us weak because our enemies can use the people we love against us and we are better left alone. We are stronger when we have no love." He told to himself, reminding about all his talks he had with his brother Elijah when Elijah wanted to be with Katerina.

"If you had to chose..." She was about to ask because she couldn't believe that a person wouldn't want love and she couldn't accept that he didn't prefer love.

"Power over love. Love make us blind, weak and fragile." He told her, but more to reason to himself.

"I feel sorry for you." She said and left to the room, pissed off because she wanted him to chose love. She didn't knew why she cared so much about this but it did and it revolted her that he would pick power over love.

Klaus just stayed in the office, with his head repeating what Caroline said to him. She felt sorry for him to chose power over love.

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