Conversations about Klaroline

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I was in the office with Camille to have our little chats, like I like to call them.

"And now I have a relationship with Caroline more close then I had before, we have now a physical relationship but only the people close to us know it. And the best part is that she can't date any other guy and I also can't date anyone else."

"It wasn't easier to say that you are dating Caroline?"

"What? I am not dating Caroline, I am not her boyfriend or intend to be. I just want to be with her all the time, hear about her day and hold hands in public... But I don't want to be her boyfriend." I explained her.

"That is exactly what a boyfriend sounds like. Do you not want to put labels on what you guys are because you are afraid?"

"What? Me? Afraid? I am the Original Hybrid, I wouldn't be afraid of being called Caroline's boyfriend."

"I am not saying that you are afraid of having the label, I'm saying that you might be afraid of getting attached to someone."

"What if she ends this relationship? What if she makes me weaker? What if she stops being on my side and realizes I'm not good enough for her? What if she ends up realizing that I'm just a monster and she is probably not safe with having a relationship with me? What if what she feels won't stop from attraction?" I asked.


Caroline's POV

I was with Rebekah in her room, trying to explain her how my relationship with Klaus is now.

"Why don't you guys just say that are dating?"

"Because I don't think your brother wants to make labels and besides I'm not sure if he wants me as a girlfriend or just as a friend with benefits..." I admitted while playing with my daylight ring.

"Oh my God! Are you in love with my brother?"

"No! Of course not. Obviously not. That would be crazy, like soooo crazy..." I said and she gave me a look, making me added "Aright. I might be a little in love with him."

"Why don't you just tell me?"

"To be rejected and to have awkward moments with him every time we see. No, thanks."

"Did you thought that, maybe my brother could also have some feelings for you?"

"Did you look at me? How would I compete with those women that Klaus had something with? He has lived for a thousand years old, he saw the world, he had been with probably the most beautiful women that ever existed because I see that whatever he goes, every women look at him. I might have feelings for him but he just feels some attraction for me, I'm nothing compared to the girls he used to be with..." I said while looking down and Rebekah hugged me.

"You do whatever you want but Nik feels something for you, he cares about you. If he only felt attracted to you then he wouldn't tell us about it and wouldn't accept the part that he wouldn't be with no other woman." Rebekah said after breaking the hug.

"Still. I don't think he looks at me like that, I think he just feels attracted to me and cares about me as a friend but he isn't in love with me. I'm just a small-town girl." I said with a small smile.

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