The Wedding Night

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Soon it was night and everybody went to their homes, my friends before go tried to convince me that I didn't had to stay married to Niklaus but I told them it was okay and explained them that I had to that for the well-being of the city and to avoid more war...

I noticed that sometimes when some of my friends come talk to me and tried to make me go back to Mystic Falls and leave Niklaus, he start to looking at me like if it was a test or something like that, to be sure if I would just left him or no.

"Mrs. Mikaelson." One of the maids called me.

"Hi!" I said with a smile and she nodded with a small and nervous smile.

"Hello! I'm here in Mr. Mikaelson behalf, he wanted me to show you your new room." She said and I nodded.

I followed her to a hall filled of doors and the last one, was the one that led to my bedroom.

"This is your new room, Mrs. Mikaelson. Mr. Mikaelson's room is the one next to yours." The maid, Sarah, informed me and then went away.

The room was huge, had a king size bed, a couch, a big tv and a desk, with a pc and a notebook. Then I saw two doors in my new bedroom, one was my personal bathroom and other was a huge closet filled with new clothes.

"Do you like it, love?" Niklaus asked me while walking over to the closet.

"I was liking it, until you ruin everything with buying me new clothes..." I said a little upset. "Let's get one thing straight, I'm not like your girls. You can't buy me."

Niklaus's POV

When I saw the maid getting out of Caroline's room, I went to her closet to know what she thought of her room. I decorated her room with all the information I gathered about her to make sure she would like it, because even if this was just business, I didn't want her as an enemy.

"Do you like it, love?" I asked with a smirk, while seeing her look at all the clothes I bought for her.

"I was liking it, until you ruin everything with buying me new clothes..." She said seeming upset. "Let's get one thing straight, I'm not like your girls. You can't buy me."

For once in my entire life, a woman made me be speechless. I wasn't expecting the reaction she gave it to me, actually I was confident that she would thank me and give me a shy smile or a blush like usually girls would do... But now I could see that she wasn't nothing like I expected, she wasn't hunger for power, she didn't show fear of me, she didn't left me when I heard people asking her to and she didn't seem to let herself be seduce by others or me.

"My apologies if I'm seeming rude, but I don't get along with people who think that people are objects that can be bought." She said firmly.

"Apologies accepted. I am going now to my bedroom. If you need something, call the maid that show you your room or knock on my door, it's the one next to yours."

"Thank you." She said now with a smile and I nodded.

"Tomorrow, after breakfast, I want you to go with me to my office so we can talk better about this arrangement and what's going to happen in the future." I told her firmly and then added "Goodnight."

"Oh... Before you go... How should I call you? By your full name or by your nickname?" She asked making me smirk.

"You can call me Klaus." I said with a smirk.

"Alright... Goodnight, Klaus!" She said with a genuine smile.

I had to make myself go to my room, because there was something about this woman, she wasn't like any other that I met before, something about her was intriguing and I couldn't place my finger in what was it...

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