Breakfast & Cabekah*

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*Cabekah = Caroline + Rebekah

*Cabekah = Caroline + Rebekah

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Caroline's POV

I was eating the breakfast and I felt Klaus's hand on my tight, making me feel a shiver down my spine and blush, which made him smirk even more.

"So... Davina told me that you two made the so sacred spell that bounds you for life. When were you thinking about telling me about it? I thought we were friends..." Rebekah said.

"And we are... I also didn't knew we were going to do that spell but Nik kind of convinced me into it and we are now closer then ever." I told her, while holding Nik's hand and feeling him kissing my cheek.

"God! You're doing it again. Elijah make them stop before I get sick." Rebekah said to Elijah, so I made some space between me and her brother so I wouldn't get into the temptation again.

"I'm sorry Bekah."

"It's fine. Now that you're with my brother, you don't have the time to hang out with me and talk to me about stuff."

"Bekah, I will always have time for you."

"Caroline, after that spell you are even more... attached to my brother then ever and I get it." Rebekah said but I could see she was sad.

"No. I am not going to be the kind of girl who forgets about her friends just because has a boyfriend, for how much perfect he is." I said making Klaus smirk with the last part.

"You definitely knew how to pick a boyfriend." Klaus said with a smirk.

"And you knew really well how to pick your girlfriend." I said with a smile, then looked at Rebekah and added "Going back to what I was saying, I am not going to stop hanging out with you. What do you think about me and you go shopping and have a girl day."

"Really? Wait. Will Klaus be on the phone all the time?" Rebekah asked.

"Yes." Klaus said.

"No." I said at the same time of Klaus.

"What? I need to know where you are and..."

"You don't have to worry. I'll text you from times to times but I won't always be on the phone because I need to spend time with Rebekah. She's the only girl friend I have here." I said.

"So... we are really having a girl day?" Rebekah asked me and I nodded, she got up and speed over to us and hugged me really tightly.

"But, what about me?" Nik asked me.

"I will make it up for you later." I whispered to his ear, then kissed him and took Rebekah to the mall and try to bond with her.

I love Niklaus and after turning to a hybrid, I have been feeling everything even more intense then I already did and what also change was the feeling of being with Klaus, I mean, I always liked to be with him but now if I just kiss him, I want to have my way with him, even if I'm aware that we are in a room full of people. And I can't be the kind of girlfriend who is always after her man and forgets to have her own life.

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