Caroline jealous of Klamille

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Klaus took me to the home theater, so we could see a movie like if we were in the cinema, it was just a way to try to forget what was going on.

I didn't knew what movie we would see and I didn't care, all I wanted was to be with Klaus and make him feel better. I know this is stupid because we just know each other for a little more then a month but I can't help having strong feeling for him.

The movie started and I rested my head in his shoulder and felt him stop being so tense, then he hold my hand, I couldn't help but smile. What did he do to me? Why am I feeling so drawn to him? How did I got so addicted to this man?

"Klaus?" Someone's voice called him, making us look at who was behind us.

It was Camille.

"Hey!" We both said but he seemed happy to see her, instead of me, I was just annoyed.

"Cami! What are you doing here?" He asked her and walked over to her.

"Marcel told me about what happened and I got worried."

"Well, I'm going to let you two alone... To have more privacy." I said and walked over to my room jealous of her because in the moment he saw her, he smiled.

What am I thinking? I shouldn't have this feelings, I shouldn't be jealous. And it's stupid to be jealous because we agree on not being with anyone else... I just need to calm down, I was just worried as a person who cares about other, there is no feelings behind it, maybe attraction, but nothing else... Oh, who am I kidding? I'm completely in love with Klaus.

After 24 minutes (not that I have been counting...), Klaus appeared in the room.

"I was looking all over for you."

"Congratulations! You found me. What do you want?" I asked upset while avoiding eye contact.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No. Why should be?"

"You seemed weird since Cami come for a visit."

"It was just your impression. I'm just like the usual." I said while changing stuff from place to another, I just had to be busy to not look at Klaus and be more hurt.

"Caroline." He said while vamping in front of me and grabbing my wrists. "Talk to me. Please."

"What do you want me to say Klaus? That I got upset when your little friend appeared? Then fine. I got upset, I don't like to see Camille hanging out with you alone." I said upset

"Why?" He asked looking deeply into my eyes and it almost seem that he was hoping that I would say something.

Because I love you – I wanted to say but I knew it would screw everything up and it would get weird, so I didn't say a word.

"Caroline, why were you upset?"

"Because I think that we need to keep an eye out to who might be the one who is doing this and Camille might be the one." I lied

"Caroline, I do not like when people lie to me. Now, for the last time... Why?"

"Fine. I just don't like her." I told him.

Alright, it wasn't the complete truth but it was part of it, so technically I wasn't lying.

"You should talk to her... You will see that she's really nice and you might become friends."

"Thanks but I have already enough friends. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to take a walk. Bye." I said and get out of the Quarter.

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