Caroline as a Hybrid & Klaroline

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I kissed Klaus with passion and he took me to the bed and started to let a trail of gentle kisses to my neck making me moan, then he kissed me again.

"I love you Caroline Mikaelson." He whispered to my lips making me smile.

"Not as much as I love you, Niklaus Mikaelson." I whispered and then he kissed me again passionately.

I took his t-shirt and rolled us over, so I could be on top, kissed him and then started to let a trail of kisses to his neck and then to his 6 pack. I kissed his lips again and he kissed me back, then took my dress and looked at my body like if it was the first time and his eyes were filled of admiration, love and lust, making me blush, then he kissed me and rolled us over so he could be again on the top.

"You're so perfect, love." He said and kissed me passionately.

He kissed and such my neck, making me moan his name and then let a trail of kisses to my breast and ending in my belly.

"Nik..." I moaned and he kissed me with a big smirk in his face.

"I need you..." he whispered to my ear and then start to kiss softly my cheek and going to my neck.

"I'm yours..." I whispered between the moans, then he kissed me and we made love.


I woke up in Klaus's embrace and couldn't help but smile. Last night was perfect, it was unbelievable... Now that I was a hybrid, I felt everything even more intense then I already had when I was a vampire, then with the blood sharing everything just got more intense.

"Good morning, love" he said making me smile and then we kissed.

"Good morning, Nik" I said and he kissed me deeply.

"What was that for?" I asked smiling and blushing.

"I love when you call me Nik." He said and I smiled to him.

After we went to the shower and enjoy more each other's bodies then actually shower, we went to the living room where was Elijah and Rebekah talking.

"Good morning everyone!" I said with a big smile that I couldn't even hide.

"Good morning!" They greeted us.

"Oh, and before you guys decided to have even more sex. You need to ask someone to make a freakin spell on your room because you two Brooke the spell with the freaking hybrid sex you did all night long, not letting anyone sleep in peace." Rebekah said making me looked down embarrassed.

"Sorry. We will keep in mind to not be so loud."

"Don't be like that sister. Just be happy for your big brother have the luck to be with the most incredible woman in the world." Klaus said making me blush and that made Klaus smirk.

"I am the lucky one. I mean, look at you. You're strong, fearless, really handsome and just unbelievably amazing. I love you so much Nik." I said making him smirk even more.

"I love you more."

"Not possible." I said and he kissed me passionately.

"Hey! Save something for when we are not around!" Rebekah said, making me break the kiss.

"Sorry, Bekah. We'll try to be more careful." I said looking at Caroline, making Klaus face my back and he wrapped his strong arms around me.

"We will...? I won't be able to stop being like this with you around me being all beautiful and perfect..." Klaus whispered to my ear and kissed my neck.

"Nik..." I try to warn but it come out as a moan.

"Do you guys want some breakfast or just some condoms?" Rebekah asked us.

"Rebekah." Elijah said in a warning tone then we all got to the dinning room, eating some breakfast.

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