Surprise Welcome Party

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

When everyone yelled "Welcome!" I couldn't help but smile, while seeing my friends here too. I thought that after this marriage I wouldn't be able to see them and they would forget about me but apparently they didn't and they make a surprise welcome party with the rest of the Mikaelson Family.

I get it of Klaus's side to run over my friends and hugged them.

"Group Hug!" I said excited.

"You know I'm not really a hugger..." Stefan tried but I didn't care.

"Get over yourself." I said with a smile and we all hugged while Klaus walked over to a blonde woman that was with Marcel.

"Alright. Let's get this party started!" Tyler said and then Damon put some music, making me smirk because it remind me the parties that he thrown when I was in high school.

"So... How it is being married with the Original Hybrid?" Elena asked curious.

"Did he try to do something to you on this so called honeymoon?" Bonnie asked being all protective like she is.

"I don't think of him as The Original Hybrid and I don't know what to say about the marriage part because I still don't know him that well, however until now wasn't that bad. And Bonnie, you don't have to worry, Klaus actually was nice and showed me the monuments and museums and restaurants of Paris and Rome." I told them.

"Hello, love! How much did you missed me?" Enzo asked with his cocky smirk making me roll my eyes.

"Do you think that's the right way to talk with my wife?" Klaus asked while walking over to us and he seemed pissed off.

"She's my friend and I talk to her like I intend to. And you are the one who shouldn't tell me how to talk to her because we know that your relationship is only in the paper and sooner or later people will find out. Everyone can see that nothing between the two of you could possibly work, you two are too different."

"People believed in the saying opposes do attract." Klaus argued.

"Guys, can we stop and go back to enjoy the party?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Whatever you wish, love." Klaus said.

"Whatever you want, gorgeous." Enzo said and walked over to Damon, while Klaus walked over to the blonde woman.

"Wow! That was intense..." Stefan said making me smile because he was always there for me.

"Let's just talk about something else. How's everything in Mystic Falls? It's been anymore problems since I left?" I asked because I didn't want to talk about what just happened.

"Everything's fine, you have nothing to worry about. And how are you? I know this isn't the wedding you always dreamed of..." Stefan said with an apologetic look.

"I'm fine. It sucks that I didn't had the wedding I dreamed ever since I was kid but I opt to focus on the positive things." I said.


The party was fun but ended quickly because my friends needed to go back to Mystic Falls, so then I decided to go to bed and sleep because I was tired of the plane travel and because I didn't get much sleep in the plain...

I just had change into my pjs and was ready to go to bed when Klaus appears with a mad face.


"Hey? That all you have to say to me? It's a hey?"

"What did you want me to say?" I asked confused.

"How about explaining me why almost all your male friend are more friendly then they suppose to and you don't do a thing to stop them?"

"What are you insinuating Klaus?"

"I'm not insinuating anything, I'm just saying what I saw..." He said and seemed really upset.

"What you saw was a person hanging out with friend that thought that wouldn't see and because of that decided to have fun and talk with them."

"They weren't just talking to you. Specially the British Vampire... We cares about you... And not as a friend. Also the Blonde Vampire and the Wolf were too friendly."

"I told you about the Blonde Vampire aka Stefan and the wolf has a name, he is Tyler and is a good friend." I informed him.

"Funny how almost all your friends are males." He said sarcastically.

"And funny how you have the nerve of asking me about my male friend when I saw you spend almost all the time with that human." I said mad and jealous.

"Are we jealous?" He asked with a smirk.

"No! I'm just tired and want to sleep. Or at least I'm trying to because you already make me all upset with these conversation about my friends and how they suppose to talk to me..." I said pissed off and lay down in the bed, he didn't took long to lay down next to me.

After a few minutes Klaus started to cuddle, his arm was around me and he rest his hand in my belly.

"I'm sorry, love." He whispered to my ear and gave me a peck in the cheek then rest his head again in his pillow.

"I'm sorry too. I have nothing to do with who you spend your time with, if it's with that human or with Marcel." I said.

"You know I can't be mad at you, love." He said while kissing my shoulder.

"Goodnight!" I said to not think about the extraordinary feeling of his kisses in my body.

"Goodnight, sweetheart!" He whispered.

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