"I Love You"

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

We were kissing and Nik slipped his hands to my waist and suddenly, he took me to a dark corner where no one could see us, making me smile. Nik left my lips and let a trail of kisses to my neck, making me moan when he got to my sweet spot, then his hand traveled to my leg and started to rub my tight, under the dress.

"Nik..." I moaned again making him smirk.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed his soft lips, I slipped my hands to under his t-shirt and rubbed my hands through his 6 pack making him groan.

"Caroline..." he moaned between the kisses, making me smile while kissing him, but suddenly he broke the kiss and rest his head on my forehead. "Hold on!"

I wrapped my arms around him and in a blink we were in my moms house, making me smirk and he put my back against the wall while kissing me.

"You're so damn beautiful..." he said while letting a trail of kisses to my neck.

"Nik..." I moaned and kissed him then I took his t-shirt and kissed him passionately.

"I want you so badly..." I said with an intense breathing while kissing him and traveling my hands through his 6 pack to his belt and start taking it off.


"Wow..." I said to myself while catching my breath.

"God, how I missed your body..." Nik said making me blush.

"I missed you too..." I said and kissed him. "Nik, thank you."

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For always being here and for coming to this place with me even if you don't like it and for standing by my side. I know that I am always thanking but it never feels enough for everything you have been doing for me. You become my anchor and I just can't describe how happy you make me and how glad I am for knowing you, even if it was by a fake marriage. I love you so much Nik." I said and he kissed me with passion.

"Love, you don't have to thank me for anything. I am just trying to be the man you deserve. You made so much for me, love... you made me see the world in a different perspective, you made me see that was okay loving someone, you made me the happiest man in the world and I can't do enough to repay you for giving light to my dark life. I love you, Caroline Mikaelson." He said and I kissed him passionately.

"I'm so happy" I said more to myself.

"I hope I'm one of the reasons why you are so happy." He said.

"Of course you are. You and our baby is the reason why I am happier then I thought it was possible. You were the reason that I was able to make my dreams came true. I'm married with the love of my life, I'm going to have a baby... I'm in a real family, all thanks to you. You made me see that not all dreams are impossible." I said and kissed him again.

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