Waking her up

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I woke up with a smile in my face. Caroline found some way so I could see her and talk to her. She gave me the hope that I needed to keep fighting for her waking up.

"Caroline, I don't know if you're here but if you are, I wanted to thank you for giving me hope and that I won't give up on you. I'll find a way to make you come back from this coma." I said.

*a week later*

Today was going to be the day I was wishing so much since Caroline went to coma. I finally found a way, with Bonnie's help, to make Caroline come back to us. We found that she to wake up has two options, or the person reverses the stupid spell or the Original of her blood line will give her some blood, but we don't know how much... I made a search and find out that I was the one who start her bloodline but I was a little disappointed because I never had imagine that the first time we would share blood, it would be like this...

I was now alone in my room with Caroline, bite my wrist and gave it to Caroline but I didn't felt her move but I continued and make my nails let the wound get deeper so I would bleed more.

And when I was about to losing hope in this solution that I come up with, I felt Caroline grabbing my wrist and bite it again.

"That's it. Drink it, love..." I said and after awhile she stopped.

"I missed you so much." She said and I kissed her with passion and love, like if we didn't had seen in years.

"I missed you so much, love." I said and she gave me a small smile.

"Klaus... I need to ask you something and I know it's going to ruin the mood but I just need to ask this."

"You can ask me anything, love."

"Do you have feelings for Camille? I know that she is a good friend of yours and all that but in the day she kissed you I got so scared that you would see that I..."

"I am really sorry about that day and I make sure that Camille wouldn't remember and I am sorry for making you doubt of my feelings towards you. But that kiss just make me see that I will always want you and that you are the one I will always love. I love you and I know I was a jerk for the way I behave. I know that you probably hated seeing me drinking from all those people and spending the days out and"

"I love you. I love you so much. I just was afraid that you had now feelings for Camille. I mean, she's"

"Nothing compared to you." I cut her off and then I had to ask "Why are you always doing that? Why are you always comparing yourself to Camille and thinking like you're no better then her?"

"Because... I'm not used to this Klaus. I'm not used to be the chosen one, I'm not used to be the first choice. I was always everyone's back-up and... You're Klaus freakin Mikaelson, you're the guy that every women wants to be with. I mean, even the maids are always looking way too much to you and I see how much they wish to be with you. And besides, you lived for so long and you probably had so many different woman and I bet they were all smart and pretty and had more experience in bed then me and... I'm just insecure, alright?" She said with her eyes filled of sadness.

"Hey... You're the most wonderful woman I ever met and none of the other women I was with in the past, make me feel the way you do. You were the only woman who had so much effect on me, you were the only one who made me see that love wasn't a weakness and you're the only one who has a hold on my heart. You're the only woman in a thousand years old that is capable of ripping my heart out but also make me be truly happy and feel loved." I said and she kissed me like if we wouldn't see again. "Never doubt of my love."

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