Going to Mystic Falls & Cemetery

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Niklaus prepared everything so we could get to Mystic Falls and I could see he was still not very happy for going to Mystic Falls but I had to do this.

We put everything in my old house and then took Nik to the Grill, when we got there, Enzo run over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey!" I said with a big smile.

"This is a bless from the past. How are you, gorgeous?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'm fine. I just decided to visit Mystic Falls with Nik." I said and Nik kissed me, making me blush and when he broke the kiss I said with a smile "Nik, we are not alone..."

"I need to meet Damon but was nice to see you, blondie. Klaus." Enzo said and left.

"I don't like him." I heard Nik saying to himself.

"He's just a friend. You know that you are the one I'm in love with." I said and he kissed me making me smile again, then we seat on a table and ordered some food.


Nik was in the kitchen drinking blood and I left with a note in the table so he wouldn't worry about me.

I went to the cemetery and started to talk with my mom, she was the reason I come here but I didn't said to Nik because I didn't want him to think that I was crazy.

"Hey mom! It's been a long time since my visit and I'm really sorry for that, but you never left my mind for even a day. I really miss you mom... So, I have big news for you. You know that I'm married because I told you all about the offer so I would give peace to our town, but guess what? I fell in love with my husband and now we are really together. Sometimes I still can't believe it. I'm with Niklaus Mikaelson... how crazy is that? But that's not all, I'm pregnant! I'm so happy mom..., I just wished you would be here celebrating with me."

Klaus's POV

When I went back to the living room of Caroline's place, I saw a note on the table from Caroline saying that she was in the cemetery, so I went there to make sure she was alright and I found her talking to someone dead and I couldn't help but hide in someplace and hear her.

"And that was what happened since I last visited you. How things change? And who would even imagine that this would happen? I mean, I married with a guy I didn't knew and ended being the love of my life, I become a hybrid and I got pregnant. I'm sure you would like Nik once you got to know him, at first he can be a little jerk but when he let you in, he shows you how an incredible guy he is and I still can't believe I had the luck to be loved by him. I love Nik so much and there's no words that I can use to describe how I feel about him... I know that you told me that when you would be gone would be because I was ready to continue to live my life without you but I wasn't and I still need you, your advices, your comforting words... You passed too soon, I still need you and now more then ever. What if I need an advice how to be a good mother or how to be a good wife or something? You were my anchor for so long and it's hard to let you go just like that. I hope I will be a good mother, like you... I'm so sorry mommy. I'm sorry I couldn't cure you from that stupid cancer. I tried, I used my blood to save a patient that had cancer like yours and just only made it worse. I know that you told me it was okay but I can't help feel guilty for not being able to help you. I love you mom." And with that she left and I quickly used my speed to the entrance of the cemetery, when she saw me, she run over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Promise me you won't leave me." She whispered while crying and hugging me tightly.

"I promise. I'll never leave you, you have my word." I told her and broke the hug to have her a soft kiss. "You're stuck with me."

"You have no idea how much that means to me..." she said and hugged me again.

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