Going to bed & Jealousy

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I was now going to bed while Caroline is in our bathroom and I make myself not go to the bathroom and just have my way with her, one last time like I want to...

"Klaus" she called me, making me get out of the bed and walk over to the door of our bathroom.

"Is everything alright?"

"Can you make me a huge favor? It's not the kind of thing that a woman asks a guy that is just a business partner so... It's okay if you say no." She says and I start to think at our amazing days in Paris and Rome when we enjoyed each other's bodies and pleasure each other.

"I will probably say yes..." I say while remember her flawless body and all her curves, I still remember every single detail and its perfection.

"Really? So you don't mind to give me one of your t-shirts?" She asked making me feel like the most stupid guy in the planet.

"Of course." I said and took one of my t-shirts from the closet and when I got back I saw her with black bra and panties, and I couldn't help but look at her magnificent body, she was Goddess and Perfection... How long will I be able to handle myself?

"Thanks..." She said shyly, getting me or of my trance and I gave her my Henley t-shirt that looked like a dress to her.

I wanted to say something, anything but nothing come of of my mouth, I was just glaring at her like a kid of 5 years old look at a candy store.

"You look beautiful in my clothes, love." I finally said with a smirk.

"Thanks." She said while blushing and then wished me a good night and lay down in the bed and I did the same.

"So... You and my brother? I didn't know that you two were getting along so well..." I found myself saying because after the dinner I went for a drinks with Marcel because Caroline was too busy talking about writers with Elijah.

"He's nice... Why? I thought I should try to get along with your siblings... or they are also your enemies and I have to be careful?" She asked clearly upset.

"Maybe too nice..." I said to myself.

"Are you making a scene just because I'm trying to have a civil relationship with the few people who actually care about you and love you? If it's going to be like this, I can always rewrite the contract and I won't have to live with you. I'll focus on Mystic Falls and live there while you do your job in here and..."

"No!" I cut her off making her look at me.

"You know what? I think it's better go to sleep before this gets worse..." She said and turned around, making me face her back, so I put my arm around her and pressed her against me.

"Don't leave me... Please." I whispered after giving a peck on her cheek.

"I'm sorry love" I whispered after a moment of silence, then kissed again her cheek and before I know it, I was making a trail of kisses to her neck.

Caroline's POV

I was hearing him apologizing while kissing me and I couldn't do a damn thing, not because of the apologies but because everything in my body was screaming for more of his touch for more one night like we had in our honeymoon but I couldn't give into temptation, we had agreed on that.

"Klaus..." I tried to warn him but it sounded like a moan, and I felt his smirk while he continued this sweet torture and finally he made me turn to see him

"Goodnight, love." He whisper and then he pulled me to a sweet kiss, it wasn't for sex or making out, it was just a kiss, a sweet and gentle kiss.

"Goodnight Klaus..." I whispered with a smile and then rest my head in his chest, making him my personal pillow, at first he was surprised but then he wrapped arms around my waist, making me smile even more.

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