Klaus & Caroline's Friends Peaces

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

After I talk with my friends, I decided to call Klaus, so I walked over to his study room and knocked on the door, he opened the door and kissed me, making me smile.

"Can you come to the living room?" I asked, he nodded and went with me to the living room, where my friends were waiting for us.

"Do I really have to do this?" Tyler asked me and I gave him a look, making Tyler look at Klaus and say "I am sorry. I guess that for Caroline be with you, you probably have some good inside."

"And...?" I said so he would continue.

"And I will be more careful with my comments about you and Caroline." Tyler said and I smiled.

"Klaus, do you have something to say...?" I asked him so he could see that I wanted him to forgive my friends and apologize to Damon for almost making him breathless.

"Yes." He said to me then look at my friends and said "You should appreciate to have a friend like Caroline because of she was someone else, she wouldn't talk to you again. You shouldn't talk like that to her. She's your friend and she's the one who did everything to make your hometown safe, even marrying a stranger."

"Don't you want to say anything else? Like apologize...?"

"Caroline, you know how I feel about you but I'm not apologize when I'm not sorry." Klaus said.

"But will you give my friends a chance?"

"Yes..." he said more to himself then added "But if one of you hurts Caroline, I will make sure..."

"Basically, it's forgiven but not forgotten and Klaus can be extra protective." I said.

"Klaus, I really hope that you continue making Caroline happy. And you are not the only one that is protective of Caroline. I'm very protective of my friends and Caroline is my best friend"

"Hey! I thought I was your best friend." Damon said to Enzo.

"Caroline is my female best friend." Enzo explained Damon, then looked at Klaus and said "If you hurt Caroline I will cut your balls and"

"Okay that's enough." I said and then added "Thank you for trying to get along or being civil."

"We better go. It's getting late." Stefan said and I nodded.

"Be careful." I said and they nodded.

"If you need something, you can call me." Enzo said and I nodded then we hugged.

"She has me if she needs something." Klaus said jealous and I had to contain myself to not smile.

"Bye guys!" I said.

"Bye" they all said and walked away.

"Thanks for giving a chance to my friends." I said and Klaus just looked at me without saying a word. "What?"

"That's my question. What the bloody hell was that between you and that British guy?"

"Klaus, I'm just her friend. We were always friends and that's what we will always be. Don't be jealous."

"I'm not jealous! I just think that he might look at you in a way more then a friend and I do not like when other men look at you more then they should."

"You don't have to worry about how other men look at me because it's just one man that I want to look at me, and that man is right in front of me. You're the only man I want. I love you." I said and kissed him.

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