Caroline's Coma

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Caroline's POV

When I opened my eyes, I was in my room next to the bed and saw Elijah and Rebekah looking at the bed and with a nervous face, I looked at the bed and I see no one other then me.

"What happened? Guys? Can't you hear me?" I asked but got no answer, they acted like if I wasn't really there, then it hit me. "Am I dead?"

"No." A voice says and when I turned around, I see a blond woman.

"Who are you?"

"That's not important, right now. Let's focus on you." She said.

"On me?"

"Yes. How can you see... you are"

"I'm dead! I'm in the Other Side. Oh God! I can't believe I am dead..." I said and started to panic

"You're not dead?"

"Then why is my body in the bed and I am here and no one can hear me aside of you?" I asked.

"Alright. You're half dead"

"Half dead? What does that suppose to mean?" I asked confused.

"You are in coma and until you wake up you will be stuck here... In the Other Side."

"I'm stuck here? For how long? How can I make myself wake up."

"You can't. That's a problem that the people like them have to solve." She said pointing to Rebekah and Elijah.

"But I'm in coma. It's not like there's a cure for it." I said.

"Your type of coma is different from the ones you heard of it. Someone made a spell to put you like this... This is not a real coma, it's like a sleeping spell."

"So what? From now on I'll be sleepy beauty until my Prince Charming kiss me and just then I'll wake up?" I asked sarcastically.

"Something like that without the Prince Charming." She said.

"What?! I can't believe this!" I said.

"You will be alone seeing your friends and you can go anywhere you want but if you need me just think about me and I will come."

"How does that works?"

"It's the magic of the Other Side." She said and before vanished she said "Be Strong!"

I walked over to Rebekah but it was like I wasn't there, she just kept looking at the other me sleeping in the bed, then she walked over to the bed and seat next to the other me.

"I can't believe this happened. Davina told us that someone put a spell in you and you'll be in a specie of a coma. I probably am talking to myself and you don't hear me but if you are, I want you to know that we will find a way to get you out of this coma. Elijah, I and specially Klaus. We are all going to fight for you. You need to come back to us... to Nik..." she said and then left.

"Where is she?" A panicked voice make it sound all the Quarter and in a second Klaus appeared with blood all over him, he closed the door and run over to the bed.

"Wake up. Wake up. Please wake up. I need you to wake up." He said cupping my cheeks and I could feel his touch in me even if he was touching the other me.

"I can't." I whispered to myself.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... I never should go. I know that, I knew when I went but I only went to stop this and protect you but this person was smarter and instead of going, compelled several werewolves to go where I was and fight me." He said and then shook his head and looked at the other me, then hold my hand and continued. "I'm the one who's blame for all of this. I shouldn't let you be with me. In the moment I got to know you and saw what a wonderful person you were, I should make you go back to Mystic Falls and forget about me."

"No" I said with tears but he didn't heard me because I was just a gosht now.

"I knew I was a danger to you but I was too selfish and only thought about what I wanted, I only thought about my happiness and I didn't thought about my enemies. I was right in Paris, but how I felt for you was stronger." He said and then caressed my cheek. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect you. I'm sorry that you're like this because I'm useless."

"You're not."

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