The Dinner

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

"Do you expose your paintings?" She asked with her bright smile and her blue-green eyes sparkling.

"No." I simply said then added "Enough about me, love. Tell me about you."

"I don't know if I have something to say that you don't know already. You did search about me before even knowing me." She pointed out.

"I was just trying to protect myself. I didn't want to marry to a person that would be an enemy." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"There's not much to talk about me..." She said when the waiter took our plates and left when we order our deserves.

"I don't believe that. Came on! You're my wife..." I tried and she chuckle.

"Yeah, right. Your wife that you know for so long." She said making me smirk.

"Tell me. What are your hopes, your dreams... Everything you want in life." I tried again to figure out this mystery woman.

"If you insist so much on the subject..." She started making me smirk and the waiter interrupt us with the deserts.

I was capable of killing the waiter for the way he was looking at Caroline. Not because I was jealous, I am never jealous, but I do not appreciate men who stop doing their job just to look at a woman. I know that Caroline isn't like other women, but she is my wife, which means that no men should look at her like that.

"Well, like you know, I always believed that marriage would only be only to people who truly love each other and since I was a little girl, I dream of the same thing every girl dreams of... Met a guy that turns out it's my soulmate, get married, have at least 3 kids, and at least one has to be a boy and another has to be a girl, grow old with them and spend my life with that man by my side." She said with a smile and her eyes sparkled like stars but in the moment she got back to reality, her smile faded away for a few seconds, then said with a small smile "But it's never like we picture. I'm now a vampire and I had to let go this dreams that seem so insignificant, but in the end we know they matter..."

"I'm sorry, love."

"It's alright. I still have my friends, I will be young forever and I will have the opportunity to travel the world and to have different jobs." She said with a smile.

"Do you always try to see the positive side of the things?" I asked with a smirk.

"Why do you think my favorite type of blood is B+?" She asked me with a smile, making me chuckle.

After eating the desert, we went back to the hotel, but instead of going to the presidential suite, Caroline convinced me to go to the bar.

We drink a little while talk about ourselves, but it was mostly about her because I already opened myself too much to her for the little time we know. I talk to her about my paintings, almost anyone knows that I paint... Why do I have this feeling of wanting her to know me and wanting to know her? Why am I feeling so drawn to her?

"Let's dance!" She said excited.

"I don't know, love. Today was a long day."

"Came on! For your wifey?" She asked with a puppy dog eyes.

"How can I say no when you ask like that?" I said and quickly she grabbed me and we walk over to the dance floor.

I put my hands on her waist and she wrap her arms in my neck while moving her hips along the song and I moved my hands in sync.

"You are so beautiful, love." I whispered to her ear and she rest her head in my shoulder, getting closer to me and I just stay dancing with her in my arms.

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