The Anniversary Night

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I put a blue dress and some black small heals, then I put some makeup and looked at my big belly. I was in the last month of the pregnancy and I couldn't be more excited.

Nik was waiting for me in the living room, while I finished getting ready so we could go to this restaurant that he wanted to take me. When I got to the living room, Nik smirked to me and his eyes seemed sparkling more then usual.

"Hey" I said with a smile.

"Hi" He said while checking me. "You look ravishing in that dress."

"You look quite handsome in that suit." I said making him smirk again and with that we get out of the Quarter.

"Seriously? A limo? I thought we would go to just a restaurant." I said in disbelief.

"And we are, but is our 1st anniversary and my Queen deserves the best." He said and I kissed him and then smiled to him.

We get to the restaurant and the waitress took us to the table that Nik had reserved, it was next to the window, in the first floor of the restaurant, where we had a view of New Orleans, it was beautiful.

"This is so beautiful!" I said with a smile, while admiring the beauty of this city.

"Nothing compared to you, love." He said making me blush.

We talked, flirted and laugh a lot in this dinner, and now we were walking in the garden that I loved because it was quiet and made me feel more in contact to the nature and with my human life.

"I'm really lucky to have you in my life..." he said making me smile to him.

"We are both lucky to found each other." I told him and he smiled.

"Do you remember the day we first met?"

"Of course. How could I forget?" I asked with a smile.

"I remember every single detail, I remember that day like if it was yesterday because the day I met you, it was the day that my life change without realizing. In the moment I saw you, I saw a light inside of you that drawn me to you and then with just our first talk, I saw that you were a true Queen, you were a warrior and the most independent woman I ever met. Once you draw me in I couldn't be back to be the same guy who everyone feared anymore. You make me want to be a better man for you, a man who is worth of having you by his side and stop being that monster that I was because you made me see that it was okay to love someone because is love, unlike I thought before I met you. I love you... Always & Forever. And I will keep trying to be a better man for you if you let me. Caroline Forbes Mikaelson, do you want to marry me for real?" He asked me while getting on his knee and opening a little box with a beautiful diamond ring.

"Of course I do!" I said with a smile and tears of happiness, he put the ring in my finger and we kissed, then broke the kiss and smiled to each other.

"Of course I do!" I said with a smile and tears of happiness, he put the ring in my finger and we kissed, then broke the kiss and smiled to each other

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