Luke's First Night

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

It was already night, Caroline presented Luke to Elijah and now Caroline was in Luke's new bedroom, talking with him because he was afraid of being alone, a prt of him still was afraid that these people that he barely knew would call his father.

They were all nice to Luke and tried to make him feel like home but he wasn't used to people protecting him or being nice to him. He only had his father, his mother died giving birth and his father blame him for that, making him start to blame himself for it too.

After awhile he fell asleep, because even if he was in a new place and with people he didn't knew that well, they made him feel safe and the day it was really long.

When Caroline noticed that Luke was already sleeping, she gave him a kiss in his forehead and get out of the room without making a noise, then went to her room, where was Klaus laying down in the bed and drawing something in his sketchbook.

Caroline's POV

"Hey..." I said, making him look at me.

"Hey!" He said with a smile, showing his cute dimples while I walked over to the bed.

"I think we need to call a doctor." I said making him looked at me confused. "When Luke start to put the pj's that I asked Sarah to buy for him, I noticed that he had some horrible bruises."

"When I find his father, I'm going to torture him to make him see what is the feeling of being beaten up by someone stronger and then when he wont be able to talk or move I will kill him." He said more to himself.

"We are not going to torture him or kill him."

"He deserves to be punished!" He snapped at me.

"We are not going to get to his level. We can try to think something to making punished but we are not going to have his blood on our hands. We are better than that." I said and he shook his head.

"You might be better but I'm not. He needs to die. People like him shouldn't even live." He said and I could see that he was taking this more personal because that kid made him remember him as a human, just like it made me.

"Look at me, this man, shouldn't even have a son but he had but now his son is with us, in a safe place with people who truly care about him. That's the important thing. About this man, I had been thinking and I was thinking about taking him to some prison that I have and we take his magic."

"What prison is that?" He asked me still not sure about my suggestion.

"It's the prison world. It's a place where the same day repeats and he can't do anything to get out. It's like Other dimension and..."

"I heard about that but I thought that was only a person who could make that prison open and close. And that person is who decides who goes or not."

"And you hear correctly. That person is Bonnie. This is a power from the Bennett witches. I'm sure I can make her see that this is the right thing."

"Are you really sure? Because you're friend didn't like me that much and..."

"I'm sure. Even if she doesn't like you, she will see that we are just protecting Luke and I'm sure that eventually my friends will realize that you are not that bad as they think and that we are meant to each other."

"I love you so much Caroline Mikaelson." He said and kissed me passionately, I only break the kiss to catch my breath.

"I love you too Niklaus Mikaelson." I said and we kissed again.

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