Having Lunch in Rome

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

"We can't stay here all day, Klaus." I told him, but my body argued with my mind and just embrace Klaus even more.

"I don't see why not. Is our honeymoon and I can think a lot of fun things we can do as a young married couple does without getting out of the bed. But of course we can always try in the bathroom, the couch, the..."

"Klaus, I'm being serious." I said with a smile and added "I don't want to spend all time in a presidential suite. I never visited Rome and I want to see The Vatican Museums and The Coliseum."

"Alright, love." He said then I kissed him. "Love, you're giving mixed signs."

"It was a thank you kiss." I said and he kissed while rolling us over to be on top, then broke the kiss with a smirk "What was that for?"

"A welcome kiss." He said with a smirk, showing his adorable dimples that make him get even more sexy, with a finger in one of his necklaces, I pulled him to a kiss, where I felt his smirk on my lips, making me smile even more.

"Let's stop before I change my mind..." I said after broking the kiss.

"You say that like if staying here pleasuring each other would be a bad thing." He said making me blush a little, which made him smirk.

"For how much it good that feels, let's at least eat lunch somewhere outside the hotel." I asked him with a puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." He said and I kissed him passionately.

"Thank you. You're the best!" I said excited and then walked over to the closet to change to clothes and after getting ready, I went to the living room, where was Klaus waiting for me.

"You look stunning, if it isn't obvious." Klaus said with a smirk, making me blush and then he kissed me and when the kiss was getting deeper, I broke the kiss.

"No way. No sex until I experience the Italian Cuisine." I told him.

"Fair enough, love." He said.

"Oh, and you owe me new clothes, I have multiples dressed that you ripped off." I informed him making him smirk again while we get out of the hotel.

"It's not my fault. I might be known for having control over almost everything, but I'm still a man. And what man can control himself around you, love?" He asked and gave me a peck on my cheek, while facing my back.

"Let's go?" I asked and he nodded with a smirk.

We went to a restaurant that Klaus knew and eat some Italian cuisine, it was all so delicious that made me question how I was able to live without experience something as good as this.

"This is so good!" I said and Klaus smirked to me.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." He said and I smiled to him.

"Are you liking it? I know you have been everywhere so it's not as exciting as it is to me so..."

"I am enjoying being here. Specially with such incredible company..." He said making me blush then added "And I hope that you also enjoy your company."

"You are an amazing company." I said making him smirk and then he kissed me in public, getting me off guard but I kissed him back because it just felt so good and so right that I didn't even had time to think about it.

"I'm sorry. I know that we agree..."

"We are on our honeymoon. Until we get to New Orleans we can enjoy each other's company as much as we want." I told him making him smirk then kissed him again and broke the kiss to reason myself so I wouldn't had my way with him.

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