Last Anniversary Gift

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I can't believe Nik asked me to marry him. I know he loves me and all but I thought that he took what we had as a real marriage and that was it but he surprised me with this proposal, making this the best anniversary date ever.

"You know that you are doing something wrong, right?" I asked to tease him, while we walk on the park and I admired my beautiful engagement ring.

"What? Didn't you like the proposal? I had other 3 speeches but I... I knew this one wasn't the best. I can do other if you like" He said really nervous, making him be the cutest he ever been, which is hard.

"No, no. I loved the proposal and the ring. You couldn't done better." I said with a smile, making him smirk.

"Then why did you said that I did something wrong?" He asked confused.

"Because you make this the best anniversary in the history of anniversaries in relationships that ever existed. So the next years, it won't be this 'Oh my God', like it's now." I said.

"What are you saying? Do you want to wait?"

"No, of course not. I'm just saying that you are getting me used to really amazing things and you have to try really hard to continue to surprise me like you have been doing all this year."

"I don't mind to show how wrong you are and make my life mission surprising you every day and make you see that I can be a man that deserves you. I might screw up in the middle, but I won't stop trying of being the man you deserve." He said and I kissed him.

"You don't have to change anything about you. I love every single thing about you. I love how you smile, I love your accent, I love how your eyes sparkle when you talk about art or your family or when you are simply looking at me, making me feel the most special person in the world. I love how you say my name or when you call me love, I love when you get mad because you get really hot, I get really turned on when you are with your hybrid face that scares everyone but somehow just makes me want to take your pants and have my way with you..." I said now a little embarrassed and he chuckled. "I love everything about you because it is what makes you the person you are and when I fell for you, I fell for everything and not just for the good things. I love you so much that sometimes I think my heart is going to explode, specially because when I'm around you, my heart still beats as fast as the first day." I said while taking his hand to my chest, making him feel my heart beats. "And I love you for making me feel the way I do when I'm around you. I love you more then anything in this world. Well, you, Luke and our baby girl."

He kissed me passionately and then we smiled to each other.

"Can I tell you something? But please don't get upset or sad or something like that." He said after awhile, and we were now seating on a park bench.

"Oh God! This was all too good. Are you a serial killer?" I asked teasing him and he gave me a look making me know that was something serious. "Sorry. You know you can tell me anything."

"I really wished to be Luke's father. I know that since he moved in with us, we are basically his father and mother but..." He was saying and I took of my small bag a paper and gave it to him, it was my last gift to him (if we don't count the sex).

"Happy birthday!" I said and while he was reading the paper, his eyes sparkled of excitement.

"Does this mean...?"

"We are officially Luke's parents from now on!" I said excited and he kissed.

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