Klaroline Anniversary

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

I am really excited and you are probably wondering why. Well, today is the day that Nik and I make a year of anniversary, I still can't believe it's been a year since Nik and I start to officially being together.

Nik told me that he had quite the night plan for us, he wanted to take me to this 5 star restaurant to try some local cuisine that I still hadn't the chance to, which is completely horrible of me because I have been here for more then a year.

This morning, when I woke up, Nik gave me a giant painting of me, and I was wearing my wedding dress, every single detail that he painted was correct and I ended up crying for how moved I was with the painting. I knew that he loved me but I never thought that he remember that much of our wedding, actually I thought I was the only one who remembered every single detail of the wedding but he surprised me once more.

We spend the morning together, breakfast in bed, cuddling and having some really fun morning activities, but at the afternoon, Nik had to solve some things with Elijah and I went shopping with Bekah to buy some new lingerie for making some small surprise to Nik. I already have a present to give to Nik but I still didn't found the time, maybe because almost all the time we were together, we were having amazing sex. When I got pregnant I thought in the last few months Nik would stop wanting to be with me, at least until I give birth but he never change, he never stopped wanting to be with me, making me feel the luckiest woman in the world. I love him so much.

When Niklaus got back to the Quarter, I took him to his office and covered his eyes until we get there.

Klaus's POV

When I got to the Quarter, Caroline run over to me and kissed me passionately, making me smile like no one was ever able to make me. She was really excited and told me to close my eyes because she had a surprise for me, and when she saw me picking, she covered my eyes with her beautiful and soft hands, making me be in the dark and when she took her hands from my eyes, I saw that I was in my office and in my desk was a giant gift and another that was medium.

"What's this?" I asked her confused and with a smile.

"I don't know. Maybe the Cupid got it for you."

"You didn't had to go to the trouble of getting me things. You are the best present I can ever get." I said, making her blush and give me a shy smile. She was so cute...

"Just open it. But I still am not sure if it's going to be enough. You gave me that giant painting that you did by using just what your remembered of how I was in our wedding and it was all the details correct so... It might not be something that I made but I really hope you like it and I know you still don't have it." She said, I smiled and kissed her then start to open the medium box, I wrapped the paper and saw that it was the Royal Langnickel Deluxe Drawing Set that I always wanted because had the best things for a real artist.

" She said, I smiled and kissed her then start to open the medium box, I wrapped the paper and saw that it was the Royal Langnickel Deluxe Drawing Set that I always wanted because had the best things for a real artist

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"Oh dear God! You... How did you know? I never told you." I said still amazed.

"I kind of talk with Elijah and Bekah about it. I know you don't talk a lot about this passion of yours but I also know that you really love it and I want to be here supporting you and waiting that you one day make me the pleasure of see a exposer of your paintings." She said and I kissed her, but she broke the kiss when was getting more in a making out scene and said. "There's still one left."

I nodded and when opened the biggest gift that was the one left, I saw the one thing I never imagine have because there's still not much in sail, it was the best 3D painter, I always dreamed of having one like any artist but I didn't told anyone, not even my siblings.

"Do you like it? I heard that this is the new hit in the artistic world..." She said a little nervous and I kissed passionately, then hugged her.

"I have the best wife every. I love you so much, love." I said, making her smile and then we kissed.

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